Monday, July 25, 2005

Captivated by God - A People of Mission

Isaiah, Moses, and Jesus. What in the world do they have in common? They all experienced the power, presence and reality of God on the throne, in a bush, or throughout eternity. Immediately they too were all called to be men of action, men of devotion, men of a mission; sent out into the world to be a voice shouting in the desert, preparing the way of the Lord, and ushering in the Kingdom of God.

Men captivated by God called to a mission for God.

There is no other reason or no other being other than God who can motivate us to give up things, time and fame. He is the one who deserves all the glory. Throughout history when men and women accomplished great things for God it is because prior to that grand expression of mission their hearts were cut deep to the core with the momentous experience of truly knowing God.

Our dream, desire, deepest longings this coming fall as we venture out to be leaders for God on His mission is to be captivated by God. To find rest in His loving arms, to find hope in his power and to find forgiveness in His grace and mercy.
We know and believe that when we, our staff and our students are captivated by God and not by ministry activities God will be glorified to the nations. There are over 27,000 college students at CU, many whom have never experienced a real encounter with Jesus or even heard of how to know God personally. All the strategies, tactics, plans, meetings and outreaches in the world will be in vain unless we see God for who He is and help others catch a glimpse of His glory.

We want to be men and women who lock arms together, dying to self daily, serving others in their time of need, listening to their hurts and pains and responding with the love of Christ. Is it possible that every student at CU and around the world can experience God’s love? Is it possible for all followers of Jesus to live for His mission of rescuing the lost? Is it possible to find joy in serving God will all your heart, soul and strength?

Yes, yes, yes!! When we see Him clearly, we will see His Kingdom come!

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