Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How people learn

I just read a snippet from Steve Addison's blog on how people learn. I needed to post it here b/c I'll forget these wise principles and I need to come back to them and think more about them.

  • People learn best when they see someone effectively model the skill or character trait they wish to learn.
  • People learn best when they gain hands-on experience through on-the-job training. Jesus' training model would accurately be summarized in the following order of words: Orient....Involve....Equip.
  • People learn best in a mosaic pattern, not a linear pattern. In other words, they learn best when they sense a need, not when the subject just happens to come up next in the curriculum list.
  • People learn best through 'just-in-time' training. When you are involved in ministry, and there you sense a need--that is when you need a resource, when you need the help, and when you are most teachable!
  • People learn best when they have effective mentoring relationships.

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