Monday, June 04, 2007

Benjamin is home and the surgery went great!

Benjamin came home this morning after a night of antibiotics at the hospital and some movie watching with dad. We stayed up until midnight and I'm exhausted. I think staying at home with an eight day old baby boy is easier than the hospital couch playing as a bed. I think dwarfs and hobbits could sleep well here but ogre size men like me don't do well.

Ben did awesome and was super brave. He asked me to tell everyone that he didn't cry that much. I told him when I broke my arm at 11 years old I cried more when they fixed mine. As you can see from his pre surgery shot, he was valiant. We also thought the shot with his blue hair net was pretty funny. You can also see here a x-ray of both bones broken.

Brothers and sister came today to take him home. He's playing at home and doing great. Amazing miracle of medical care. As of a week ago we had never been to the hospital. Now after Jacob's birth and Benjamin's surgery I have found all the free coffee machines. Got to love the free complimentary spouse and parent food plate. We ate well.

Friday we go in early, with an empty stomach to take x-rays and see if the bones have set well. Dr. Hunter says 1/3 of these need to be re-repaired but 2/3 have no problems. We're praying to be the 2/3. So if the bones move Benjamin will go into surgery again on Friday afternoon. Join us in prayer.

All in all I can't say thanks to the friends, neighbors and folks from our church who have watched our kids, rushed at high speeds to the Emergency room (Billy Williams in his Audi), brought us meals and just called to see if we're okay. We have never been so needy but God is teaching us to receive gifts without performing for them. I guess we haven't learned that yet.

You can also see some updated photos at Van Diest Photos of all the kids, Christine and I.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That arm was looking pretty gnarley! When Ethan sent a text to pray I assumed it was an arm..not sure why. Glad to hear he is recovering well. We will pray that he is healing appropriately for the appointment on Friday. Love you guys! As always, our hearts go out to you and your entire family. So thankful you have such great community around you!

-Curtis and Emily