Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Cemetery Experience Keeps Giving

There was about 6-7 years in a row I would take college freshmen at CU to the great, old cemetery on the hill in Boulder. I would have them wander around in the dark, no flash lights looking at tombstones, the old cool ones, for someone who died when they were 18-20. Then we would speculate about their lives, relationships, dreams and experiences. Then we would open up the Word and see what God's perspective was on life, the shortness of life and what we could be living for that had an impact on eternity.

Today I received an email from Ox, Bryan Gullette, a great young warrior who is loving Jesus, loving others in Romania along with his wife, Alina. They are hereos of the faith after working for a few years, packed up and left for Eastern Europe to love others like Jesus does.

Here is his email. It was an encouragement to me today.

Hi Steve,

I hope all is well. I thought that you might be
interested to hear about how your influence has reached to Romania.
Tonight I led a small group of abandoned Romanian teenage boys to a cemetery to
talk about making life count, like we did for Bible study one night. “It
was classic” and I hope it’ll “change their lives, bro!” * Ah the
memories. Thanks for being an important part of my life, Steve.

As great as the legacy is that you left with Crusade, I pray that
it can’t hold a candle to what the Lord is prepared to do in this next area of
ministry. I am sure that it will look totally different, but I expect
amazing things to come of it. I hope the transition is going well.
If you just remember all the things you taught us, you should be

I also pray that all is well on the home front with your… is
it 18 kids now? Growing the kingdom one child at a time! Awesome! I
am excited about your family and your kids and I pray that they bring you much
joy and fulfillment. I ask God also for His special blessing on your marriage,
that it would be the firm foundation of love overflowing to the children and the
church and the world. Yeah, I know, it sounds like a lot of love, but we
know it is just a drop of what the Lord offers to us.

Take care,
Steve, say “hi” to everyone for Alina and I.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, two weeks ago, I had one of my guys here at the University of Minnesota take the guys he leads to the local cemetary...same results. His guys are slowly starting to get the importance of following Christ with everything NOW. Just like everyone else though, it will take some more time for them to really understand it.