Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Movements Everywhere - updated

Many years ago we heard that Robert Goizeta (former CEO of Coca Cola) once told his shareholders that it was his desire to put a Coke within arms reach of every thirsty person in the world because he knew that about 5.5 billion people in the world wake up thirsty each day. Why not give each and every person a refreshing Coca Cola?

In a similar manner we know that there are about 6 billion people in the world who wake up spiritually thirsty each day looking for love, significance, and truth all found in the person of Jesus. Let's get the Gospel within arms reach to each and every person in the world to quench their spiritual thirst. That became a great visionary picture of what we want to aim for as Campus Crusade for Christ.

Now that we're in Mexico City this vision has resurfaced. How can we get a coke product (the Gospel) within arms reach to the 1,000,000 students on over 400 campuses?

We believe the best way to guarantee that students can come back over and over again to the refreshing person of Jesus is to provide a Coke machine (a Christ-centered Spiritual Community) within arms reach of every student in every department on every university.
Our dream is that every student in Mexico will know exactly where to find Jesus so they can hear about Him, learn about Him, know Him, grow with Him and share Him with others. That is an ongoing, life changing, campus transforming, city impacting, country revival, world penetrating vision.

This is not just exposing the campus to Jesus but providing an authentic Christ-centered spiritual community led by students to students that is focused on Jesus every day in every place.

The reality of this vision is overwhelming.

This past week we have met with Beatriz, Ryan and Christy and a local church's youth and potential leaders. We are encouraged that they are all wanting to join us from different churches and mission organizations in launching spiritual communities on each and every campus.

We will need thousands of more partnerships like these in order to raise up 4,000-8,000 student leaders over the next 3 years. Pray that God moves supernaturally in the hearts, minds and lives of people in Mexico City.
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