Sunday, September 24, 2006

What a weekend

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Friday night was a follow up appointment with the Capital City Baptist church. Stephen Searfoss, their Spanish speaking pastor and I met about 3 weeks ago. I shared with him our vision and need of partnership on every level throughout the city. Immediately he sent me an email asking if we could meet with his youth and interested people. On Friday there were about 4 prep and college students and about 4 professionals, all who had a passion for Christ and His Kingdom work. We were super encouraged on the night and again believe that if we can have about 100-200 of these type of meetings and see God raise up about 4,000-8,000 student and professional leaders on each and every campus we'll see the city impacted with spiritual movements that will transform lives.

Saturday was a great day hanging out at our sports club by the pool and playing tennis. The kids just love it and are making friends from Brazil, Spain, Mexico and beyond. They are growing in their Spanish ability and are really getting good in the pool. We also have been meeting some friends from the U.S., Canada, Europe and Mexico. We have been sharing with them our desire to start a church or spiritual community. Many are interested and we're excited about God using this environment to encourage us, grow us and reach others.

Last night the staff guys, Craig, Joe, Jason and Nate, from our Enfoque Mexico team and the stint team went out to dinner in Polanco and off to Jai Alai in Condesa. I have heard about this speedy sport from my time in Tia Juana and from intro scenes of Miami Vice. It was killer. Basically we got free tix from my friend David Stamey (who is the most connected human in Mexico), who knows the start player's wife. We kind of learned the sport and realized we were at the semi finals of the superbowl of Jai Alai. The bummer is Mexico lost to those darn French. So fun.

The stint team gals came over to hang out with Christine and they encouraged each other so much. Christine had a great time.

Today we woke up and wanted to seize the day of low traffic and headed up to the Pyramids in the north. After a short 1 hour drive we climbed high into the clouds and were in awe of the history of Mexico. The boys and Isa were great tour guides and super brave.

Now we're seizing the fact that we have sitters coming over tonight and going out on a date. Yes, I know the Broncos are playing tonight but you don't know my hot wife. She is so fun.

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