Tuesday, August 21, 2007

End of Summer.....Kingdom Projects

The end of summer always brings about a mixed bag of emotions. On one level we are excited as I'm (Steve) coaching Jonathan's tackle football and Benjamin's soccer team. The boys love this time running around and getting to know the other kids. Christine and I love this time because it gives us such a great time to interact with the parents of these kids. We try to host 2 parties during the season to honor the kids as well as love the parents. We believe this is such a great opportunity to share the love of God through healthy community.

On the other side of our emotional bag is sadness because summer is soon ending. This summer is one of our first summers in 13 years of ministry where our ministry was to fall in love with Jesus, each other and the kids. After years of serving in Boulder, Chile, Spain, and Mexico we have been long overdue for a time of rest and restoration. You have made that possible. Thanks!!

We will miss hanging out at the the neighborhood pool and time up in the mountains. Just two weeks ago we, with our neighbors and their 7 kids, did our first camping trip. I think all four kids did better than Christine and I but we're in for it again next summer. It was so fun seeing them all asleep in their sleeping bags in the tent, running around with dirt all over their faces and the cheeks pasted with marshmallow stickiness of smores. (More pictures at Family Camping)
Through this time of rest and reflection we have learned a ton about the heart of God and the Gospel. We are constantly reminded that the "Gospel is not for the able." We are resting in the complete work of Jesus and that is sparking a flame in our hearts to fall deeper in love with Him and His work around us. A common theme we are learning is solitude, silence, and waiting on Him.

In these times of reading, talking, praying, sharing, crying and laughing we are trusting God to use our day job to bless Him and others. We believe that out of our brokenness and humility God will use us to bless those around us and around the world.

This past week Steve started in his work in the Great Plains Regional office of Campus Crusade to give service to 'special projects.' Lately these special projects have been fleshed out to be leading the 1,500 students who come to Denver over January to bless the city, serve the city and bring “The Kingdom of God” to Denverites. We’re trusting God that our "Day of Faith" on Jan 5th will challenge students to Good Deeds and share Good News to those hurting, lost and lonely.

A good friend of mine, Ethan, has recently taken a national director job with Campus Crusade and is responsible for bringing the Kingdom of God to every student and campus in 6 major cities of the U.S. Because of our experience, although short, and leadership in Mexico City he has asked me help coach, advise and network these city leaders with proper resources.

Thank you for allowing us to grow, allowing God to perk new interests and horizons in our hearts and waiting with us for God to bring about His Kingdom. We look forward to the months and years serving together. Thank you for your generous, faithful and encouraging partnership.

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