Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering Truth that Could Change Everything

I just finished Brian McLaren's book The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering Truth that Could Change Everything. I have enjoyed in the past reading Brian's other books as they have always challenged me in my current way of thinking. I think this challenge always encourages me to open my eyes to those that don't know God and how we, Christians, are interacting with them with or without love.

This book was no different and is full of good insights, quotes and perspectives on the Kingdom Work of God. The past few years the concepts of the Kingdom have been an interest to me so this helped synthesize a few thoughts as I have forgotten many.

Brian has been largely influenced by N.T. Wright, Walter Wink, C.S. Lewis and Dallas Willard. So yes, these guys are still alive but have a message that maybe because of a variety of reasons (Listed in Appendix I) we have missed for the past 2,000 years. I believe the next generation of Christians and Church goers and doers will live out this Secret Message of Jesus more than ever. Some have missed the message of Jesus before (Luke 13:28-30) so couldn't we also? Brian has been criticized in the past for not stating exactly what he believes about the Gospel and I believe in this book, although not a systematic theology, he does that well.

The Secret Message; what is so secret about it and what is it and where has it been for the past 2,000 years? Brian walks us through the social, political, relational, cultural and religious dynamics that existed during the life and teachings of Jesus. It is a message that Jesus taught through the sermon on the mount and throughout the other Gospels and I believe was supported and built upon by Paul. I believe the Secret Message is what we are all longing for in our lives, in our relationships, churches and ministries; a message that transforms not just individuals in their status of going or not going to heaven but in all they do, say and relate to. It is a message that is completely revolutionary when it comes to politics, social dynamics, the way we experience Church and the not churched world. It is largely a Jewish message that fights against the authority figures of the Roman and Pharisaical world. It is a message that isn't just to be preached from a pulpit but to be lived out in the world; next to the poor, those who are repulsive, in community and with real breaking down of our Christian sub-culture walls. It is a message for those who don't have their acts together, are broken, wanting something of value yet haven't proven themselves yet. It is a message that may anger you because you like the way you do Christianity.

Ultimately it is a message of the Kingdom of God. A term we may have lost on the fact we, as Americans, don't live in the concepts of a Kingdom. Maybe it should be spoken of as a Dream of God, the Network of God, the Revolution of God, the Mission of God, The Dance of God. All of these are incomplete metaphors for the Kingdom but they all paint to what this secret message is all about. (p.140-48)

I think this secret message of God's Kingdom work (Luke 4:18-19) is what we, the evangelical Church has been missing in part for a long time. It isn't just about personal forgiveness of sins and getting to heaven but it is about a way of living, following Jesus, that impacts every action, relationship, community and country. Brian says it like this, "What if Jesus' secret message reveals a secret plan? What if he didn't come to start a new religion - but rather came to start a political, social, religious, artistic, economic, intellectual, and spiritual revolution that would give birth to a new world?" (p. 4)

That might make some of us feel uncomfortable because, as I said before, we like the way we have it with God; we have a good agreement, system with Him. Believe me I thought I did too.

You might walk away feeling more confused and fuzzy. That is precisely what the secret message of Jesus is like. It probably isn't a bunch of timeless religious prescriptions that help us pull up our own spiritual boot straps. It is a story that unfolds as we follow, walk, interact with and learn about Jesus. Yes, it is a story that scripture supports and teaches.

I have been tired and burnt out on the way I have been living my Christian life. This past year with all its trials and problems has surfaced so much in my life that I'm not happy with. I want to live a vibrant following of Jesus life that impacts deep into my heart, lives under God's grace and truly loves those around me. No more trying real hard to live up to a Christian standard that leaves me tired and wanting more.

Here are some quotes from the book that you might like:

    • The Kingdom of God. The Empire of God. What could Jesus mean by this? One thing is sure: He didn't mean what many-perhaps most-people today think he meant. He didn't mean "Heaven after you die." Maybe the meaning would be clearer if we paraphrased it like this: "You're all preoccupied with the oppressive empire of Caesar and the oppressed Kingdom of Israel. You're missing the point: The Kingdom of God is here and now, available to all!This is the reality that matters most. Believe this Good News and follow me!" p. 14
    • For Jesus' secret message of the Kingdom to be realized, it must first expose the evil of all alternative Kingdom or regimes or systems or ideologies. And for that evil to be exposed, it must be drawn out of the shadows, where it hides in secret." p. 62
    • Brian's Gospels Great Commission Summary: "You can't keep this secret of the Kingdom to yourselves. I am now sending you, as the Father sent me, to communicate the good news of the Kingdom. Those who receive your message, you should form into learning communities of practicing disciples so they learn to live according to my secret message. Just as you are learning. You should not do this in your own power, but must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. And you shouldn't stop at the borders of your own culture, language or religion, but you must cross every border and boundary to share with all people everywhere the secret you've learned from me-the way, the truth, the live you've experienced walking with me." p. 73
    • Instead of being about the Kingdom of God coming to earth, the Christian religion has too often been preoccupied with abandoning or escaping the earth and going to heaven. p. 78
    • We have been preoccupied with guilt and money, power and fear, control and status-not with service and love, justice and mercy, humility and hope. p. 79
    • I see too much of this religious bombast; busy, chatty, manic or monotone religion without the heart of Jesus' message of the Kingdom of God. But thankfully, I also see that wherever the secret message of Jesus is believed, proclaimed, and lived, transformation occurs-transformation of individuals, faith communities, neighborhoods and even cultures. p. 79
    • The Secret Message of Jesus is meant not just to be heard or read but to be seen in human lives, in radically inclusive reconciling communities, written not on pages in a book but in the lives and hearts of friends. p. 102
    • The Kingdom of God is not just a status-it's a mission and a story in which they-and we-can play a part. p.171
    • C.S. Lewis says, "We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words-to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it...at present we are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door. We discern the freshness and purity of morning, but they do not make us fresh and pure. We cannot mingle with the splendors we see. But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumor that it will not always be so. Some day, God willing, we shall get in." p. 198

Hopefully that gave you a teaser. Call your local library, have them order it or visit Amazon and get a copy for yourself and start a small Kingdom revolution that will impact your life and those around you.

You can also download an extra chapter (Prayer and the Kingdom) and study guide at Brian D. McLaren.

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