Sunday, February 05, 2006

Encouraged by our National Leadership

This past week one of our National Directors, Shane Deike, posted a conversation with a regional director. I'm encouraged by our leadership and the direction we'll be taking as a movement. Sign me up. I'm in if we are going to get spiritual movements to each and every student.

Read the whole thing at IM conversation on mission

I posted a comment on his blog. My comments are here:

You nailed it. This is where we have already moved. Our students cancelled our weekly meeting b/c it didn't allow us to go after our mission. It was becoming the "Thing" we do and we were not going out. We tend to talk about CCC/CRU/Fuel and not about Jesus. Now that we have decentralized our staff and CCC students are sensing God moving (not us moving it) and they are talking about Jesus and the supernatural. It has been a blast. There is a fear that we are not the "Big" ones on campus anymore but we are having a blast. Our staff are released to do what CCC has always talked about that we are (yet we always ran a big machine), evangelism and discipleship. Even those two things are convoluted. Evangelism is an event, surveys, not really getting into the lost world. It is leaving our fellowship and doing it to do one by one extraction of believers (we have just gathered) or non believers who now don't have any more non Christian friends (they live in our sub culture). Discipleship is not about selection and doing the mission but an ongoing consuming relationship.

I believe many staff in the 90's came on staff to shepherd, lead bible studies, counsel and not to be part of a radical spirit filled, supernatural, God powerful movement that requires white hot faith, total dependence on prayer, Spirit filled living and wild living. What we're aiming for is the supernatural, not the practical and proven.

Keep leading us (National Team and others) to go for it. Mark Spoke at SP Leaders Conf and made a statement from Matt 28; we're not to teach all of Christianity but just to teach those things Christ commanded. I think often we feel like we must be all things to all Christian students but in the same time we have lost our distinctives.

Tom Neslon about 8 years ago said something to me. He said, CCC is the Green Barets of the Christian world. You guys are a specialized trained group of warriors going after the lost. He says often we in the Church have worried more about who is bring ham buns and jello to the next potluck. Maybe we need to become more of the warriors again and not worry about all the other things we do.

Downside, we will lose our size in meetings and maybe even staff who are gifted in these other areas may leave staff. But I believe and have no doubt that we will gain a new generation of staff with out the heavy handed need for recruiting staff. They will see us for who we really are and say, "man, I want to work for those guys."

Just some rambling early here in the altitude of CO.
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