Friday, February 24, 2006

Students Seeing the Spirit Move

Our dream at CU has been to see students catch the vision and mission of fulfilling the Great Commandment (Matt 22:37) and the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) so that every student in the world would have a chance to say 'yes' to Jesus. This past month we are beginning to see our students take off in following Christ with boldness.

Danielle is one our student leaders and has caught a vision for reaching girls in the dorms and spends her time discipling many girls and sharing her faith. She also is a great baby sitter to our kids. The following is an email from Danielle on how the Spirit is moving in her life:

"Wow!! It has been an amazing week!! God is so great!! As you know Ryan became a Christian last Tuesday and Katherine (the other non-believer in community group) became a Christian tonight!"
God has been working in both their lives this year but the past couple of weeks God has touched their hearts. At the monthly gathering (of Fuel) God really worked in Ryan's heart. She prayed out loud for the first time saying, "Lord, thank you for Fuel because it brought me to you." After that night God really put Ryan on my heart. I began praying for her consistently. I shared what God had put on my heart with Lauren and Kristen (two girls Danielle disciples)...I encouraged Lauren to share the 4 laws (the Gospel) with Ryan. That day Lauren took a step of faith and shared the 4 laws with Ryan. She was very responsive and shared her desire to have a relationship with the Lord. The next day Ryan prayed to receive Christ as her personal savior.
That week at community group we shared our life maps (life stories). Ryan shared what God had done in her life and in her heart the past week. After Ryan's story, Katherine said something like, "I don't know exactly what you are talking about but I want a relationship with God." Everyone was shocked...Ryan shared part of the gospel with Katherine and told Katherine about this great book (4 laws) that explains everything really well. So Kristen shared the 4 laws with Katherine while everyone else in the group prayed silently. After that night I began praying for Katherine. I told her if she wanted to talk more about having a relationship with the Lord to call me and we could get coffee.
Today she called me! We met for coffee and she said she had been thinking about things since community group. We went through the 4 laws again slowly and talked about each point. She told me she desired this relationship with the Lord and ask if I would pray with her. She prayed to receive Christ as her personal savior and then I prayed for her. It was amazing!!!
This is what God has been doing around me. Thank you so much for all your prayers!

We are encouraged by students' bold faith in God. Our student leaders decided to cancel our weekly meeting and go to a monthly Fuel Gathering. This gathering is completely created and led by students. Last month you could just sense the Spirit's presence in this meeting. That night I sat down next to a grad student, Jacob. During a prayer time I prayed and two others prayed. Then Jacob spoke and he started off by saying, "Dear God, I'm sorry...." Then he turned to us and said, "I don't why I said that!" He continued in prayer, "God I'm sorry I haven't believed in you." After the prayer I asked him if he wanted to know God. Then I turned to his fellow grad student, Martin (who I just met that night) and asked him to explain to Jacob how to come into a relationship with God. Right there during the last song at the Gathering Jacob came to know Jesus.

Every time I talk to Jacob I can see the Spirit working in him. He told me this past month was amazing. He feels God is giving him many opportunities to tell people about his new relationship with Christ. Jacob has been a believer for less than a month and he is already beginning to fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission.

These three students are only three of the six that have come to know Jesus in the past 4 weeks. There is no doubt that when followers of Jesus take His commands and commission seriously there is a supernatural outpouring of God's Spirit. Praise God!!
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