Sunday, November 05, 2006

Increasing our Influence

How do you reach the world? Well, you need more leaders. That's what God is providing us personally. We're expecting our 4th child early June. Just as many think we're crazy in launching 4,000 spiritual movements so they think having 4 kids is crazy. All in the power of the Spirit.

Monday we went for our 8 1/2 week ultra sound. We were a bit nervous as we have miscarried about 4 years ago. As the doctor said our baby was normal we burst into tears of joy and thankfulness.

Our kids are giddy with excitement and want more!.

We want to ask you to pray for the health of our baby and for Christine's health and energy (lately she is laid low with exhaustion ).

Many have asked; can you deliver a baby in Mexico? Yep! Is it safe? Totally! Will you get dual citizenship? Not sure.

All of this is so exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Thank you for laboring with all 5 to 6 of us. We appreciate your heartfelt encouragement, prayers and generous financial gifts in order to give all of Mexico an opportunity to be part of a Christ centered community.

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erinn::haley said...

oh my goodness you guys. we are so excited for your family and will be praying for you.
christine, praying for much strength and energy. does isa understand the concept of a new baby? oh maybe a lil sister for her... how cool!!!!! plus, christine will be all cute and pregnant when we come visit! yippee!!
we celebrate with you guys today. luv erinn and jeff

Jill Felix said...

Holy Cow! Forget my last comment...yes, you are expecting again. How exciting! Praise the Lord that this little lamb chop is healthy and doing fine. We will be praying for energy and for healthy growth. Love yous guys.