Monday, April 30, 2007

Asher Lev is a great read

I am posting my thoughts a few books that I have read mostly for my remembering and processing but you might appreciate this as well.

About 2 months ago my counselor Michael recommended that I read a book by Chaim Potok called My Name is Asher Lev. Asher Lev is a gifted artist, a prodigy and a Hasidic Jew. The tensions and conflict in his own heart, religion and relationships run throughout his life as he is discovering his profound gift.

A must read for those who struggle and are in process in finding who you are, what you're called to, where your significance comes from and what passions and gifts God has given you.

Recently I found that adults can be libary members too. It has probably been 30 years since I owned a library card. The Farr Libary in Greeley has rocked my socks off. I'm sure you all know this but I am such a green library member that one can just order a random book and they will find a way to get it to you, any book. So after I bought from Amazon My Name is Asher Lev I found out that Potok wrote a follow up book, The Gift of Asher Lev. So I emailed my library and they got it for me. This is a great follow up as Asher is around 40 years old, a sucessful artist, father and husband and now is dealing with the demons, issues, and wounds of his past with his religion, family, art and gifting.

You'll enjoy these two masterpieces. I was challenged in my own journey of hearing what God is calling me to do and how to deal with my own issues. Enjoy!!

Upcoming is a book I'm reading now: Emotionaly Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero, just bought by my library for me to use. The first chapter basically is a snapshot of my emotionally out of touch life. If you've been a Christian for a short or long while I encourage you to read this today. If you're frustrated with the lack of hope, life and joy you find in your walk with God, constantly struggling, constantly trying to be a better follower of God, then you're in for a good eye opener. Thanks to John Lamb for recomending this one. I'll write more later about this book.
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1 comment:

Julie VW said...

The Gift of Asher Lever is one of my favorite books (and I have a bloglines search set up to find Asher Lev related blog posts - which is how I came across your site).

Unfortunately Chaim Potok died in 2002, but he was pondering the idea of writing a third Asher Lev book. (You can hear him tell the story at this website )

It's nice to "meet" you.