Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why not make a difference - Lord, Bring your Kingdom

The past few days I have been stirred, moved and challenged by the difference I, we, can make in the world. From the video Joe shared with me this week, from the commericals I have watched on TV, the drive arounds Greeley, CO on the "other side" of the tracks and by watching American Idol Gives Back (Idol Gives Back. A historic TV event – a two-night special on April 24 and 25 which will save and change the lives of children and young people in extreme poverty in both the USA and Africa) God has been confirming a desire in me to make a difference in my community.

About 3 years ago God began to take me a on journey of opening my eyes to His "Kingdom" work. I used to think the work of the Kingdom only had to do with making sure the message of the Gospel would get out to poeple and that would make all the difference in the world. My view of God's heart for the world was so narrow and small. With the help of many messages, Bible studies and sermons from Tim Keller at Redeemer Presb in New York and the help of Eric Swanson I saw what restoring the Kingdom is all about. Yes, it is about bringing the message of love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ but it is also about bringing Heaven on earth. But is is also about bringing physical restoration and love where there is injustice, poverty, crime, hurt, pain and sorrow.

You probably have prayed a thousand times, "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven." This is is what the beginning of that prayer is all about. Bringing the Kingdom of heaven, all its benefits to here on earth.

So what can we do about it? We could go to Africa. I do want to go. We could head to the inner cities of the U.S. and help out. But in a simple way we could just start educating ourselves, asking the Lord in what small or big part you can take part of, and then responding to His voice and moving ahead. You don't have to be a movie, recording star to make a difference. Your small part in your neighborhood and in your city will help usher in the Kingdom.

As part of this journey I encourage you to visit this week:
-American Idol Gives Back, read up and make a donation

-Visit the One blog site founded, by I believe who will be one of the most influential Kingdom workers of our lifetime, Bono. (Buy a red ipod, cell phone, song, etc and he is always donating money toward Kingdom work and eradicating poverty and aids across the world.)

It is pretty cool what God is doing to bring about restoration in our world. The Gospel is true. His power is awesome. This could be the generation that eradicates injustice, poverty, pain and suffering like no other. We have plenty of resources, gifts and time to change the world. Believe me I feel like most of you. I don't have it together and am not qualified. But that is why Jesus died for us. He, working in us, motivating us and loving us so we can love others will answer the Lord's Prayer.

I'm not sure exactly what my future entails but I do know God has been calling us to make a difference in our community. Join us.

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