If you made it to this address and noticed that I have posted in a while it is because I have moved my blog over temporarily to a new design. The temporary may be permanent. We'll see how this flies. My new design can be found at SteveVanDiest
Categories: Blog
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
New Blog Design
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Blog
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Men get 41 miles per gallon. Not Bad!
During this oil consuming generation and high gas prices this recent stat I got from my good friend, Joe, was super encouraging.
Categories: Culture
- A recent study found that the average American male walks 900 miles per year.
- Another study found that the average American male drinks an average of 22 gallons of beer per year.
- That means that the average American male gets approximately 41 miles per gallon.
- That's not bad.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Culture
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Gospel in Its Fullness
Today I have spent some time reading UnChristian by Kinnaman and Lyons. In response to the the chapter that outsiders think all we, Christians, want is to get them saved, Chuck Colsen wrote this, The Gospel in its Fullness, response to help us change our perception. p. 86-88.
"The good news is summarized in I Corinthians 15: "Christ died on the cross for our sins," so that we can be redeemed. That is the narrow definition that most evangelicals embrace. I think we are wrong in limiting it to that. If you read the first twenty-seven words Jesus spoke in Mark, it's clear that he announced the kingdom. He said that the kingdom of God has broken through into history. He was saying that we would be seeing in his life a picture of the kingdom yet to come. It is a picture of what hte Hebrews called shalom, or peace, or wholeness, extending to every facet of life: the sick healed, the captives freed, the oppressed released, right relationships restored with God and humanity.
Then later, in Acts 4, you see this incredible story of the community of believers coming together. No one was in need because people were sharing their wealth; they were praying and studying the Bible. They created a community that absolutely dazzled the world right after the time of Jesus. They provided a foretaste of the kingdom yet to come in Revelation 22 and 23.
So, I'm one of those who believes that while the gospel is most accurately defined by evangelicals as the "good news," it goes beyond that. For instance, Catholics take it beyond that. The defense of human life is part of the gospel because it matters greatly to God. I think Catholics have a really good point in this. When we think about Jesus ushering in the kingdom, as we pray, by the way, "thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven," I think we begin to see the gospel in a much broader context.
The local church has to be responsible for "making the invisible kingdom visible," as Calvin said. When the local church is doing what the church is called to do--preaching the gospel, administering the sacraments, and exercising discipline--inevitably the surround culture will be affected. In other words, if we are really living as Christians, the church expands exponentially.
Consider the rise of Christians during the Roman era. People were drawn to Christians, not because of evangelistic outreaches or crusades, or through mass media--those didn't exist. The church grew because Christians were doing the gospel and had a community--a local church--where people really loved each other. During the great plagues that swept Rome in the second century, all the doctors fled, but the Christians stayed and took care of the sick. They embodied what Christians are called to do. Although many Christians died because they took cared of the sick, pagans were drawn to Christ because they saw both the love of Christians and Christianity itself as a better way of life. When Constantine declared Rome the Holy Roman Empire, people thought he did that for political reasons, but he didn't It was already Christianized; he just recognized the realities of what really happened.
One of the things I do when I meet people is ask them, "What is Christianity?" Undoubtedly half will respond, "A relationship with Jesus."
That is wrong. The gospel cannot be merely a private transaction. God didn't break through history, through time and space, to come as a babe, be incarnated, and suffer on the cross just so you can come to him and say, "Oh, I accept Jesus and now I can live happily ever after." That's not why he came...Jesus came as a radical to turn the world upside down. When we believe it is just about Jesus and yourself, we miss the whole point.
I even dislike using the words "accept Christ" anymore--because it is so much more than that. Christianity is a way of seeing all of life and reality through God's eyes. That is what Christianity is: a world-view, a system, and a way of life. I believe that when you truly see the gospel in its fullness, it's so much more. It is the most exciting, radical revolutionary story every told." Chuck Colson - founder, Prison Fellowship Ministries
When I use terms of doing Kingdom work, Chuck Colson helps define this so well. When I think of lives transformed by the gospel I don't think tickets to heaven but those here on earth that are being transformed by Jesus to bring the Kingdom, heaven to earth.
This is what we're praying for to happen in our communities, lives, ministry.
Categories: Gospel, Kingdom, God, Spirituality, Evangelism
"Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Jesus
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Evangelism, God, Gospel, Kingdom, Spirituality
Friday, January 18, 2008
And the Shofar Blew
Okay, I'm finally coming out of the closet. I love Francine Rivers' books. Yes, she is a woman. Yes, she writes Christian fiction. But man she is a prophetic voice we all need in our lives, churches and leadership. Last year I read Redeeming Love and was rocked by God's desire for love. This past month I finished And the Shofar Blew.
I was convicted and my deepest level about my own leadership in the past. I can't give away the story line but I will tell you if you're currently in a ministry, leading a church, building a program you must read this.
Ask the Lord to show you where you are missing His heart for people, your family and Him.
In summary, my review is short. It will make you angry at yourself, the pastor in the book, church but at the same time in love with the work God does in leaders, churches and in your own heart. A must read.
Now I'm going back in the closet and will try to read some more manly non fiction book. :)
Categories: Leadership, Church, Books
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Books, Church, Leadership
Is There Hope for America?
The past 4-5 years I have been reading about the work God is doing worldwide through simple and traditional church planting. There are encouraging stories and discouraging ones alike. One of the reasons we felt like God calling us to Mexico 2 years ago was the stories of what God was doing in Latin America and we wanted to be part of it. God had a different plan for us and we're grateful for the hard lessons learned and taught.
Now that we're back in the U.S. we have focused much of our thoughts, prayers and energy into what God is doing in the U.S. and what are we, the church, missing.Recently I started reading, thanks to my local library, Kinnaman and Lyon's book called UnChristian. It is the summary of 3 years of research on what the rest of the world thinks of church and Christians.
Our research shows that many of those outside of Christianity, especially younger adults, have little trust in the Christian faith, and esteem for the lifestyle of Christ followers is quickly fading among outsiders. They admit their emotional and intellectual barriers go up when they are around Christians, and they reject Jesus because they feel rejected by Christians. p. 11It has been humbling and heart breaking to read their thoughts and how we are missing the point of Jesus.
Today I was reading Guy Muse's blog The M Blog and again my heart is heavy by some of the stats and observations of what is happening in the U.S. church. Read What's Wrong With This Picture?
In hindsight I'm glad the Lord brought us home to relearn His grace, mercy and Gospel. And I'm thankful for the new vision and heart He has given us for His church here in the U.S. I know there are many arguments and discussions on what is and isn't church but after those interactions all I think about is how much people, outside any form of church, are missing when they don't experience the love, grace and mercy of God. The rest of the world is looking for something, something that isn't just about words, theology, right thinking or saying yes to Jesus. They want a life that is transformed, supernatural, powerful, dealing with the wrongs and hurts, they want real relationships, authenticity, care and love. What they are looking for is what Jesus offered in the Gospels, not just in words, but in life lived in community. They want to experience the Kingdom Come.
I don't have all the answers but I do know when I see something in me, my past leadership, and in other leadership when we have missed the point. I was also reading Sam Metcalf's blog Under the IceBerg today about how to kill a movement. Here are a few things that kill movements and I will add supernatural kingdom church growth:
1. Require education for the leadership
2. Demand conformity of methodology
3. Refuse to provide administrative help and let it suffocate under it’s own weight
4. Get spooked by supernatural phenomena outside your paradigm
5. Make no room for younger, less experienced leadership
6. Be obsessed by theological purity
7. Put the safety of the people involved as a higher priority than sacrifice
8. Centralize the funding
9. Punish out-of-the box thinking
I can relate to these. I have led this way and have experienced some of these from others. Read the whole thing at How to Kill a Movement. Maybe a new movement of the Spirit, Church, and Jesus Followers is birthing that will do the opposite; bring about Jesus' Kingdom.
Now that I have broken every blog rule and have posted way too many thoughts in one post I leave us with an action point. Pray and seek the God of the universe to help all of us see clearly on how He wants us to move here in America.
Categories: Church, Movements, Leadership, God, Prayer
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Church, God, Leadership, Movements, Prayer
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Organic Church Movements
In February, Christine and I, are heading to Ontario, CA for a short weekend to spend time with the CMA guys and gals who are training many on Missional Movements. We want to invite you to come, be part of the training and then trust God with what He wants you to do. You can find more info at CMA Resources.
Categories: ChurchPlanting, Movements, Leadership
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Church Planting, Leadership, Movements
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Planting Trees
Been thinking about our future lately. This past week we closed our official chapter of Campus Crusade, at the Denver Christmas Conference, but will be relationally connected hopefully with those wonderful staff for a lifetime. My normal temptation is to start running full speed ahead, proving to others, that the work, future and ministry of ours is worthy to be spoken of. Yet, deep in my soul I know I should rest, wait on the Lord and ask Him to reveal exactly what He wants us to do to bring glory to Him.
A few weeks ago I had cafe with my good friend, Jeff Westrup, in California. Jeff started me on a journey of the heart about 5 years ago. I value his insights, fresh take on spirituality and encouragement to listen to God. He sent me a link to read a story written Jean Giono, The Man Who Planted Trees. Tonight I read it to my older boys and was encouraged by the story, real or fictional.
I was struck by the perseverance, simple vision to bless others and do the work that God had called the old man to. He wasn't about creating his own kingdom, seeking approval of others, or praise for his greatness. He knew the work he was doing would take a lifetime but it would refresh this barren land. Inspiring.
I too want to be about the simple work of blessing others, bringing glory to God, doing what He and only He calls me to. Read it. Ponder it. Reflect on what God is calling you to do for HIS glory
Categories: Spirituality, Movements
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Movements, Spirituality
Monday, January 07, 2008
Global Service Associates
Crossing Boundaries and cultural barriers with the powerful life-changing message of Jesus.
If you have a child, grandchild or a good friend or colleague that grew up in church, youth group or a campus ministry but today they are not involved in church or following Jesus then you’re not alone. A large majority of the 20 and 30 somethings are saying no to church and walking with Jesus. You probably spent numerous hours on your knees for them and inviting them to church. But it seems they are not interested.
This current reality of young people breaks our hearts. We believe God is calling us to create, innovate and form new missional (going out with the message of Jesus) communities that will help our culture experience Jesus in a manner that relates to them and helps them see Jesus as the sustenance for life.
18 years ago Global Service Associates was formed to help Christian leaders follow the call of God on their hearts to expand the Kingdom of God to reach each and every person on the globe. Their desire was to provide an environment for Christian leaders where bold faith, creativity, deep relationships and new initiatives to share Christ would be honored and encouraged.
“According to research by George Barna, there is not one county in the U.S. that is currently experiencing overall growth in the number of Christians.” Felicity Dale
We are so blessed to have GSA give us the opportunity to lead and follow God to reach people in the gaps where they are not experiencing His love. We are excited to trust God with a ministry of simple Biblical methods to equip others to follow Jesus and to reach people with the Gospel. You can read more about GSA at their new website GSA along with bios of other staff members and some of their projects. GSA is a 501-c3 religious non-profit and governed by a board of directors. We hold to the historic creeds, The Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. Please post a comment if you have more questions.
For those of you who financially support us and that we have talked to this past month during our transition; thank you for your encouragement and continued partnership. Pray for us as we move forward in solidifying our final 30% of financial support. If you would like to support us prayerfully and financially please email us or visit our giving page at Giving
Pray for a deep work by God in us personally so that we will share this love with others. Thank you for your partnership in serving with us to bring about God’s Kingdom.
Categories: Prayer, Newsletter, GSA, Movements
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: GSA, Movements, Newsletter, Prayer
Kingdom Signposts: Pointing People to Jesus
“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field.” Luke 10:2b
Every morning our cell phone alarm goes off at 10:02 am reminding us to pray this simple prayer of Jesus.
We believe that within minutes from every home, community, workplace and social network God is raising up men and women who will be a leader, a worker for Christ. Our dream and prayer is to see Kingdom Signposts (our new initiative), planted firmly in the ground so that people around the world know where to look for God and go to experience His love. This Kingdom Signpost could be a Bible study, a mom’s play group, a service project, a discipleship relationship, or prayer group.
Even today, for example, I met a pastor in Denver who is a leader of a 40 church alliance. He was referred to us and is wanting help to see how they can train and send out their youth to be workers for Christ in Colorado. Our prayer is to empower him and other believers to share Christ, disciple others, and create ministries out of their churches, homes and workplaces that point people to Christ. It is believing God for a generation of lay people who reach others for Christ and grow in their faith.
We will create a collaborative work of evangelism and discipleship with local churches and ministries and then these Kingdom Signpost leaders will build movements according to their unique gifting and calling. The Kingdom Signposts may not all look alike. Yet each will reflect core values of connecting our ever changing generation to Jesus, providing life changing discipleship, producing multiplying laborers and helping people grow in intimacy with Jesus.
A movement of Kingdom Signposts planted firmly in the ground all over our world giving people an opportunity to experience God’s Kingdom. Pray for our leadership as we connect with churches, ministries and those who don’t know Jesus. Pray with us this Luke 10:2b prayer so that the Spirit of God raises up a radical movement of Christians to be leaders for Jesus.
Categories: Prayer, Newsletter, KingdomSignposts, Kingdom, Movements
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Kingdom, KingdomSignposts, Movements, Newsletter, Prayer
Project Revive
“...the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1
Our cities and communities are full of people who are hurting, lost, lonely and needing the hands and feet of Jesus to bring about real transformation in their lives. Jesus desires to meet those needs with His love. Often until those needs are met the people living in our communities dismiss the message of Jesus.
Project Revive is an initiative that believes that the love of Jesus is expressed when the church locks arms together and commits to meeting the needs around them, spiritual and physical. We are giving leadership to this project to aid the renovation and renewal of our cities so that men and women from all walks of life experience God’s love.
Can you imagine churches, non-Christians, businesses, and non-profits all working together to help those in need? We can and that is why in the months to come we’ll be starting a network and partnership organization that will be a catalyst for this city-wide transformation. Pray for us as we connect with civil, church and social leaders to build relationships and opportunities to connect them to those in need.
Categories: ProjectRevive, Movements, Kingdom,
Prayer, Newsletter
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Kingdom, Movements, Newsletter, Prayer, ProjectRevive