Monday, January 07, 2008

Global Service Associates

Crossing Boundaries and cultural barriers with the powerful life-changing message of Jesus.

If you have a child, grandchild or a good friend or colleague that grew up in church, youth group or a campus ministry but today they are not involved in church or following Jesus then you’re not alone. A large majority of the 20 and 30 somethings are saying no to church and walking with Jesus. You probably spent numerous hours on your knees for them and inviting them to church. But it seems they are not interested.

This current reality of young people breaks our hearts. We believe God is calling us to create, innovate and form new missional (going out with the message of Jesus) communities that will help our culture experience Jesus in a manner that relates to them and helps them see Jesus as the sustenance for life.

“According to research by George Barna, there is not one county in the U.S. that is currently experiencing overall growth in the number of Christians.” Felicity Dale
18 years ago Global Service Associates was formed to help Christian leaders follow the call of God on their hearts to expand the Kingdom of God to reach each and every person on the globe. Their desire was to provide an environment for Christian leaders where bold faith, creativity, deep relationships and new initiatives to share Christ would be honored and encouraged.

We are so blessed to have GSA give us the opportunity to lead and follow God to reach people in the gaps where they are not experiencing His love. We are excited to trust God with a ministry of simple Biblical methods to equip others to follow Jesus and to reach people with the Gospel. You can read more about GSA at their new website GSA along with bios of other staff members and some of their projects. GSA is a 501-c3 religious non-profit and governed by a board of directors. We hold to the historic creeds, The Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. Please post a comment if you have more questions.

For those of you who financially support us and that we have talked to this past month during our transition; thank you for your encouragement and continued partnership. Pray for us as we move forward in solidifying our final 30% of financial support. If you would like to support us prayerfully and financially please email us or visit our giving page at Giving

Pray for a deep work by God in us personally so that we will share this love with others. Thank you for your partnership in serving with us to bring about God’s Kingdom.
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