Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cancer still at home but localized

Yesterday was a hard day of relationships, meetings, and getting back on campus to start ministry again. On top of that, about 5pm I was expecting a call from my parents to see what the bone and muscle scan of my dad yielded. As I was talking to Christine a few hours before, I just began to cry that I didn't want any more hard things in life. I just want to see fruit. I just want to see God move supernaturally in my life and in the lives of others.

I know that those emotions come from a strong desire for comfort and peace in my own life. I know that I often want things to work out just the way I want them. But I also know that God's grace is sufficient for all that comes across our plate. When I am weak, he is strong. That is the power of why God sent Jesus. Because at all points in my life, I am weak and I need one that goes before me to give me strength. That is my daily plan. That is where I want to be, falling on my knees before God, crying out, "Help!"

Well, I did get the call and it was my mom in tears saying it was good news. Dad's cancer hasn't spread. It is still localized to his prostrate and the Dr. communicated that we had caught it fairly early. Dad is either in stage 1 or 2. Mom and Dad were so relieved and you can imagine, I was too.

I am grateful to God for his answer to our family's prayers for my dad. I'm grateful that God still reigns in our lives. I'm grateful that whatever trails or tribulations happen to us, God is there with us. I'm glad I don't have to live out each day in my own strength. It's just so limited.

So what's next in my dad's physical life? Mom and dad are going on an Alaskan cruise this Saturday. Go Party!!! Then when they get back they'll deal with this chapter in their life; most likely with surgery and some treatments. We're still praying for complete healing but most importantly we are praying that we are totally dependent on God.

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