Wednesday, August 17, 2005

They are growing up

This past weekend our staff team, 16 adults, a two spouses, and 8 kids, went up to Summit County to have a good time, connecting, laughing and having fun. It was really what we needed as a team and as a family.

Sunday our team drove over to Breck Ski Resort to hit the Alpine Slide. The part that was so enjoyable for me is that the boys, Jonathan and Benjamin, are now big enough to join us. They were so excited.

Jonathan at first was a bit scared to go by himself and you can imagine that his fear soon disappeared. I looked over and there is my little boy, almost 7, flying down, hooting and hollering just like me and our other staff, the big kids.

As we jumped off he gave quick high fives and I'm sure he felt like the other guys. "Dad, dad, dad, can we go again? I want to ride with mom. I want to ride with curtis. I want to ride by myself. Can we race?"

For me it was a joy to see my little boys grow up. But with the same joy came a fear. Wow, they are growing up. Now we have little Isa, 7 1/2 months old, just learning to move around. Last night we caught on film her wiggling and squirming to get to the toy she wanted.

Kids are such a blessing from God. As we watch them grow, we are so grateful to God to be their parents. To laugh at their goofiness. To cry when they skin their knees. To be with them for so many more years. I can only imagine that the love I have for them is a portion of the love that God has for us as He looks down from Heaven.

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