Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Wow, so much happening and no time to tell

This past week has been amazing. There is so much to blog but I haven't had the chance to get it all down. This is the first pass on what God is doing. I believe a movement of the Spirit is happening like I have never experienced before.

Last week I saw God bring two gentleman, pastors from Long Beach, into my path and the dreams and vision they have for Long Beach and their desire for partnering with us this coming summer can only be from God. Too cool. I'll tell more later on the dreams and vision.

Then that same morning the national director of Campus Crusade for Christ in Mexico shared a devotional on a meeting that I snuck into. Straight from the heart of God. It was a message and a challenge to be followers of Christ that obey Him. It confirmed so much of what I have been hearing God say and challenge us to do at CU and beyond. Another amazing moment.

Then on Thursday, the next day, a football player, Pat, that I barely know called and wanted to talk. I thought from our brief interaction that he was a Christian. The only way I knew him was through another player, Mack, who came to Christ in November. Mack invited Pat to talk to me about Christ and I shared my vision for God using players like them to bring revival to the athletic department. This semester I met with Pat and I asked him straight up, "Have you placed your faith and trust in Christ?" He responded "no, but I want to." Shortly there after Pat came to know Christ and is already leading in building God's kingdom. Pat and Mack will be meeting tomorrow to talk through scripture and I won't even be there. So cool.

Tonight at our new monthly gathering of Fuel, our students decided to cancel our weekly meeting. The nights goal from what the students wanted was worship God, exalt what He is doing and pray for revival to happen in our lives. I'm in a prayer group with two grad students and the Spirit moved because during that prayer time one of them came to know Christ for the first time. I'll tell more later.

God is moving. He is changing hearts. As we stop building a fuel group and started talking about Christ, letting Him take over and expecting the supernatural via prayer to happen we're being blown away day by day. That is only the beginning of what I have seen first hand. Our staff and student leaders are seeing major life change. We're not going to give up praying for revival and bringing Christ to the campus.

Now I have to go b/c in 6 hours I'm going snowboarding with Jonathan, our staff and student leaders. Stay tuned for more.....
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