Monday, March 06, 2006

Changes to our timeline

Over the weekend we got some good advice on what to do with our house and when to rent it. This coming summer we're going to be leaving for Long Beach Summer Project around May 15 and now we're going to attempt to fully move out of our place by then. So this makes our house available to rent by May 20. This does complicate things a tad because we need to get all our stuff that we're taking to Mexico packed in storage by then, sell one of our cars, and prepare for summer project and Mexico city. But this also helps us focus, target a clearer move date and close the chapter on Colorado. So we're renting our place furnished. Most of the furniture we were going to sell we'll leave in the house. This will provide a great opportunity for young professionals, students or a family to move in quickly. Please join us in praying that God will provide the perfect renters.

So we'll go to Long Beach in May, be there for two months, and head to Mexico City (just Christine and I) for a week to rent a house, buy a car and set up phone service. Then we'll return to California, drive to CO, put our stuff in a container or moving truck, sell our other truck, say good byes and fly off to Mexico City. Much has to happen by then administratively, relationally, in our support and in our hearts. We're basically uprooting our lives, purging ourselves of our stuff and having to make many decisions.

Pray for us in this faith adventure.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was trying to get a hold of Steve as I have a brother-in-law who lives in Mexico City and he might be helpful in their house search....he can e-mail me at