Monday, March 13, 2006

Launching Movements or Even Better Watching Them Launch

When I share and talk about our dream to plant spiritual movements all over with a professor at CU and friend of mine, Phil Mitchell, he always reminds me that we're not the ones planting but we just walk into something God is already doing. Such a good insight when it comes to the supernatural power that is needed to see God move in and around us. God is moving and we just need to be available, willing, able to see His movements and then go for it in the power of His Spirit.

I have read a few books and tons of blogs on the organic/simple nature of planting churches/movements. There are many common threads in all of them. I always see a deep need on prayer, faith and the Spirit's power. You see great leadership of those moving out in these adventures. You see humility of letting go control and letting, in a sense, chaos happen. There is also a high value on God's truth and word. Most of these movements see the power of God work through prayer and scripture.

Steve Addison in his blog is one of the best observers and I believe teachers of simple movement/church planting. There at his site you can read tons of simple concepts, observations, tools, and insights on how to plant multiplying spiritual movements. Another friend of mine and mentor (in directly) is Eric Swanson. Eric was the first one to get me on this pilgrimage of recreating, refocusing and re-tooling my leadership and ministry to planting simple multiplying spiritual movements. Back in March I asked him what books I should read on my sabbatical and he loaded a ton on me. They were super influential. Read his blog, Eric Swanson, for great insights on life, ministry, and the externally focused church

A great book on these topics is Organic Church. Neil Cole the author shares tremendous insights and experiences on planting simple churches across So. Cal. and the world. You'll be encouraged and challenged on how you do life and ministry. He touches on 5 P's of planting simple churches.
1. Practice of Prayer
2. Pockets of People
3. Power of Presences
4. Person of Peace
5. People of Purpose
You can visit Steve's Leaders' Tips on a brief discussion of these areas.

Recently I read Shamy and Petersen's book The Insider and was again challenged, encouraged and inspired on ministry and life together. It helped fill in the blanks to the vision and how to's of when Neil Cole says, "Growing Faith Where Life Happens" by planting simple churches or as I use simple spiritual movements.

These two practicioners of doing multiplying ministry share 7 characteristics of an insider, one who is involved in the lives of others spiritually.
1. Taking Little initiatives
2. Praying and Responding
3. Serving Others
4. Conversing the Faith
5. Partnering
6. Letting the Scriptures Speak
7. Midwifing a New Birth.

They cover many things Neil Cole does but I think they explain and put some feet and hands to Power of Presence and Person of Peace. This would be an excellent follow up for you to read.

Why in the world do simple movements? Why plant new spiritual movements around you? Read Changing the Trajectory of the Church part 3 by Eric Swanson to gain some insights and motivation. Read the Gospels and observe the heart of Jesus and hear His words, "I have come to seek and to save the lost." Could you too be part of that same plan? I think so. It is simple. It is needed. It all happens because God is already working. Pray, Listen and Respond.

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