Friday, March 24, 2006

Needing real community

This past week we arrived home from Florida and California and now are focused on the task at hand; get ready for Long Beach and move out of our house in Colorado (ready for the move to Mexico). It has been over a month now since we transitioned out from the staff team at CU and most of what we are doing is at home and preparation. What I'm finding is I miss running alongside other staff and students in the journey God has given us. Along the way I have had great friends come over and share life, encourage and challenge me. Just last night a couple of students came over from CU just to talk. I see now more than ever the real need for authentic community. We can't do life, ministry, kingdom work, church without real authentic community.

Yesterday morning my friends came over to share prayer requests, catch up on life and share what God is doing. It warms my soul to be in relationship together. Then yesterday I had lunch with my Dentist, Tom. A long overdue time of connecting. Tom in his perfect timing just spoke some great words of conviction and encouragement, "Steve, you need to listen to God."

Then I read a chapter (Fellowship of the Heart) from John Eldredge book Waking the Dead that a friend Jaeson had sent me. You can read it at the link. Again this is another reminder, I need others to be in life and ministry together. I can't do this alone. God didn't want me to do it alone. People, friends, co laborers, family members and students have all showed me who God is, lived His grace and mercy and spoke words of life and conviction to me. I can't move ahead without these relationships.

Yesterday I was reading from Deut 30:19-20 "Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him." I'm reminded that I'm also created for relationship and real community with God even before connection with others. I know I struggle in holding fast to God. I want God to be my priority relationship. I want God to meet every need.

I can only imagine you're in the same boat. Wanting real relationships, real life, real hope, mercy, encouragement, love and grace. This comes from being real with God and real with others. It isn't always clean and neat and safe but it is good. Lucy, asks a friend, "Is Aslan safe?" to which the friend replies, "Safe? No, he's not safe...but he is good."

Is this real community safe? No, but it is good!

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