Thursday, July 05, 2007

Babies, Broken Arms, Bikinis, Bulls and the Kingdom

Since our last official letter in April so much has happened in our lives. Jacob James is now over 5 weeks old and over 10 lbs. He keeps the progression of dark, white, dark, white (Jonathan -> Benjamin -> Isa -> Jacob) skinned kids. He is doing so well and the older kids are just enamored with him. He has even been gracious enough to sleep in 5 hour chunks a few nights this week. Christine is doing amazingly with 4 kids and we so grateful for the neighborhood (over 30 kids) as they have been a blessing to us and the kids.
Two months ago we had never been to the hospital in Greeley but 6 days after checking out Jacob, I, Steve, checked back in with Benjamin. Right after church Ben fell off a ledge onto the steps and broke both bones in his left arm, the bone even popped out of the skin. Within 45 minutes and a speedy ride in my friends Audi, Benjamin was on a hospital bed and on morphine. Two hours later he was in surgery, I was in tears and wrestling with God about what was going on. “Come on, this is his summer. We can’t handle anymore trials!” God allowed me to vent and reminded me even though life doesn’t go as we want He is very much present and in charge of our lives. Nine days later Benjamin got off his plaster cast for a waterproof fiberglass one. The full arm cast hasn’t stopped him from playing baseball with one arm, swimming and even climbing. This Friday, Lord willing, his cast is cut off for a short forearm version. For some gross pictures of the break visit our blog (see above). We have learned a lot from Benjamin about perseverance and accepting diversity.
Isa is growing up and becoming her own little self. Often times you can find her running around in her bikini down the street to play with her good friends Will (2) and Emma (4). Today she has been wearing her new panties and a wristband, that’s it. She is learning to use the potty. So far 5 victories and 2 mistakes. That’s life.
Last month we took the kids to see Shrek 3 and realized we may have our own Shrek, Jonathan. He is still 8 years old and is the size of a 13 year old. What we love about Jonathan is his tender and compassionate heart. He challenges us in our love for the lost and hurting.
Just this past weekend Grandma and Grandpa visited and we headed down to the Greeley rodeo. Jonathan and the mechanical bull had their battle together. For a minute it looked like Jonathan was going to win but as usual the Bull took the victory. See our blog for pictures and videos.
Where does that leave Steve & Christine Van Diest? At times it is painful and sad that we’re not in Mexico but in the same breathe we see God’s handiwork in bringing life into our hearts, restoring our love for Him and each other as well as giving us a renewed and new vision for the future. Greeley has been restorative for our souls and ministry. We can’t say thank you enough for your gracious, patient, loving and encouraging support of our ministry and lives. It has been amazing that God is still providing for us through you in this transition. This is the lessons we are learning about his love, grace and mercy. You all have been a instrumental part in teaching us those lessons through your giving. Thank you!!!
Every week at our little church in Greeley we pray the Lord’s prayer. A phrase that has penetrated our hearts and one that God is confirming in our vision for the future is “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven.” We are sensing God’s pull on our hearts to be about the Kingdom work here in Northern Colorado. We want to bring about the goodness of his power, love and care for those who know and don’t know Jesus here; families, young and old people, hurting and those who have it all.
What does that look like for us in Campus Crusade? For right now we are waiting on the Lord to surface a position that allows us to serve out of our gifts and passions in light of this vision. On August 15, Steve will take a temporary position in our regional office serving our ministries in 5 states through ‘special projects’ until something later surfaces.
We believe God has a great future for us yet we don’t want to force the next chapter of our lives. Please pray for us. Please drop us an email us if you have any questions and comments. We cherish our partnership with you. We know that God has continued to call us to a life of ministry with you. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your understanding as we seek the Lord’s will for our next season of life. You all have been wonderful partners!
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