Today was a super fun day with the kids. We woke up this morning we woke up and made cinnamon rolls the kids love and then spent some time reading some prayers, talking, reading and sharing. It is exactly what our family needed; together time, centering time on Christ and
then off to go hiking near Fort Collins. At times I think we're crazy for even attempting to go hiking with 4 kids yet the older boys do great. Isa walks maybe a total of 40 yards of the total 3 miles. She has me worked and rides on my shoulders singing the whole way.
After hanging out at the trailhead while Jacob got some early lunch, we strapped Jacob in his Baby Bjorn and we headed up for an easy 1.5 mile hike to Horsetooth Falls. Jonathan became our saftey guide
and was very concerned for Mountain Lion, Bear and Rattle snack attacks (He read all the warning signs at the trail head.) Often I would get rebuked for walking 10 feet in front of the rest of the group.
We made it to the falls in about 45 minutes but to our dismay it was September dry. Booh! But there was a cool rock the kids all climbed and we took a great picture. Right after the picture Benjamin asked me what that noise was in the bushes. I just told him it was the wind in the bushes. He said, "No! I see a snake." Yep, he was right. Abo
ut 3 feet away from my foot lay a Rattle Snake. As boys, we started throwing rocks at it so we could hear the rattler. Stine, about 30 feet away told us to stop and then we headed off back for
the van. We all need safety warnings.
Benjamin was proud of saving my life and we have committed to studying in science tomorrow the affects, dangers and ins and outs of Rattle Snakes.
That is what a great day is all about. Falling in love with Jesus, connecting as a family and enjoying God's killer creation. AMEN!
1 comment:
Hey Bro! got your newsletter today in the snail mail and checked out the new link to your blog - very cool. Fun to read about the day to day happenings in the Van Diest household.
Rock on!
-Jeff Sherard
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