Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Moving out and off to California

Friday was a pivotal day in our transition to Mexico. The moving company took our possessions to soon be on their way to Mexico City. That afternoon after much toilet, shower and floor scrubbing (our house has never looked so clean) we handed over the house keys to our new house renters. They will be renting our house for 3 years and we couldn't be happier with the family God provided. Then we quickly changed clothes and headed for Christine's dad's house for a graduation party for Christine's step brother, Will, and step sister, Vanessa. The kids did amazing during the cleaning and running from one place to another. Isa was so tired I just stuck her in her furnitureless room and she took a nap on the floor for one more moment in her cute room.

Saturday was meant to be a day of just hanging out with friends, going to the boys soccer games and just resting. We woke up that morning with Jonathan vomiting. He so badly wanted to see his friends so we headed off to his last soccer game. He made it about 8 minutes into the game and then pulled himself out to lay on the blanket. But before we left his team sang him a cheer. You can see the video below.

After a few more trips to the garbage can Jonathan fell asleep under a tree. Benjamin joined his team for his final soccer game. You can see Benjamin in action here.

In spite of all that is going on the boys have done great. Their hearts broke and tears flowed as they said goodbye to some of their friends in the neighborhood. They spent many afternoons with these kids play fighting, protecting the planet and just being crazy kids. They are such good friends and we're confident God will provide another set of kids to be friends in Mexico City.

Sunday morning about 2 am we jumped into the loaded down suburban for the 12 hour trip to Las Vegas. The kids stayed healthy yet after drinking energy drinks and junk food to stay awake I got sick. Oh the joy of moving, packing, traveling with stress on top. After a short nap in Las Vegas we took the kids to the pool. That was all they needed to be refreshed. Later we took them downtown to the strip to see light shows and fountain shows. Not necessarily a great town for a family. But it was the rest we needed to split the 16 hour drive to So. Cal. Monday afternoon we arrived at my parents' house, unpacked a bit and headed off to my nephew's, Brett's, hockey game. The boys were so excited to see Brett. Later for dinner to my sister's house and some playing in the pool. 2 days away from Colorado and the boys have swam 2 times. Not bad.

Today....REST and catching up. Thursday we move into the Beach Plaza Hotel in Long Beach to start up the New Long Beach Summer Project.

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1 comment:

Ryan said...

Way to go bro. Now we're next.