Wednesday, August 23, 2006

300 Campuses and Beyond

We sit here sometimes and think what in the world have we gotten ourselves into. This past week, Steve, prayer walked a private Catholic University (pictured left: Universidad de Anahuac) near our home that was filled with about 5,000 college students talking, drinking coffee, smoking, studying and hurrying off to class. The university student in Mexico City is no different than any university student in the U.S.

So why do we feel anxious about our new role here in Mexico?

The major difference is that we're not just reaching 28,000 college students on one campus but God has called us to give each and every student in the city on over 300 universities an opportunity to be part of a Biblical, Spirit-filled, Missional Community where they can know God and build His Kingdom.

This is where we know our efforts are limited and God must move. We are daily reminded that "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain." Ps 127:1

Daily we are asking God to raise up laborers on each campus and in each department that will start a spiritual movement. Our prayer and desire is that these movements are not built around us or Campus Crusade but around the Gospel and mission that Jesus left us. We believe that God is going to pour out a revival in this city. It will require dependent prayer and humility before God and others.

Our family has been adjusting to the city and our new home. Our family has experienced some bugs and just plain exhaustion, while getting used to the 7,7000 altitude. It rains just about everyday. In light of all the changes we are so thankful to call this home and the city God is calling us to serve.

We are thankful to God for the past 6 months of preparation in our lives. We appreciate your prayers, encouragement and financial support as we left Boulder, served in Long Beach and moved to Mexico. To God be the glory in our lives, our partnership with you and in Mexico City!

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