Friday, August 11, 2006

Lessons about spirituality

This morning, after receiving internet yesterday, I read an article by Floyd McClung, who used to work with YWAM, challenged me in the area of Spirituality. I think I used to find myself an expert of this. Oops, I'm back to trusting Jesus to grow me again.

Here is a snippet of his post:

Try these on for size and see how they fit:

  • Trust really trust God- "There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish...."
  • Jesus - "Living is for Christ, and dying is even better...."
  • Grow relationally - "Be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage...."
  • Let go of the little things - "Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant-dog dung. I've dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ 9 and be embraced by him."
  • Laugh a lot - "Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him!"

What does it mean to you to be spiritual? I encourage you to share your ideas with another follower of Jesus, or better yet, with someone who doesn't follow Jesus.


You can read the whole post at Spirituality
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