Monday, October 30, 2006

What once was ugly has now become beautiful

I was listening to Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell today and was struck by his illustration of the Aeron Chair by Herman Miller. He was giving an overview of this chair and it's research, surveys, and release. Early on in the market research people found the chair to have high comfortable ratings but low aesthetic ratings. People thought it was one of the worst looking chairs but one of the most comfortable. It didn't look comfortable. It looked like a skeleton. It didn't have cushy leather and high backs.

They were weary about releasing the chair but Herman Miller led with his natural instincts and brilliance. He pushed through and now the chair is one of the best selling (best selling in Herman Miller's history) in the industry. It has gone from being ugly to a cult like following that all employers, executives and normal Joes just love and think is beautiful. The rest of the market has responded and has made a ton of rip offs.

This could be the same way people, church goers, pew sitters, pastors, and missionaries think of a new style of church and mission. When it comes down to the nuts and bolts of what the missional/apostolic church is going after people in all honesty rate that philosophy of mission as high. Yes, it may get us to reach the lost post modern world a bit better. Yes, it is about living for those outside the church walls. Yes, it is what Jesus meant when He said, "I have come to seek and to save the lost."

But it just isn't comfortable. It doesn't look good. We're not used to it. It is just sort of ugly. Where is the comfy cushions that we have so grown used to? All we see is a stripped down skeleton looking church (chair). We want fluff and flavor.

My guess and leadership is going to push ahead with a missional/apostolic style of ministry that is about creating a new church alongside of the old church. Both seem to be under the hand of God. Both will reach people. Another guess is that soon, this ugly looking style of mission will soon become beautiful and will have the cult like following that Christians and not-yet-Christians will all long for.

Will you buy this chair?
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