Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Benjamin follows in Dad's footsteps on Easter weekend

This past Saturday started off with rain, wind and then the sun came out. We headed off to play two soccer games and the boys did great. They are growing and becoming great soccer players. Then we raced back home to catch our neighbor's, Karin, catered Easter egg hunt and lunch. What a spread. After the chasing of eggs and quick intake of candy the kids were running around the backyard. Soon Benjamin came screaming into the kitchen. He sliced open his big toe on a piece of metal in the neighbor's backyard. Ouch.

I rushed him to the emergency room (5 minutes away.) Two hours later Benjamin was successfull in getting 4 stitches. He now is running strong with 4-5 visits to the Emergency room.

  1. Stitches on forehead from falling down the stairs at 2 years old.
  2. Broken arm in Myrtle beach from falling off a play set at 3 years old.
  3. Staples on his head from rolling down the backyard lawn and hitting a brick at 4 years old.
  4. Now this visit with 4 stitches.
  5. There is a fifth visit but I can't remember what it was for.

I think I had close to 20 visits to the E room before I was in high school. 2 broken arms, multiple concusions, infections, many stitches, cut fingers, etc. I think I got a discount after 10.

Jonathan is in a close 3rd place with E visits. Two visits: cracked cheek bone at grandparent Van Diest at 2 years old and stitches in head while at Grandma Monroe's in Texas.

Right now social services have not been called on us and all our kids are doing okay. Isa battled a 5 day flu and while Christine was gone last week she threw up 18 times. It just broke my heart to see my little girl hurt so much. Yesterday her personality came back and she is all smiles.

This past Saturday was the day of saying good bye to Aspen, our 6 year old lab. We just can't take her to Mexico and God graced us with some great friends, Hendersons, who just love her. The boys did real well in saying good bye.

We're in full pack mode and looking forward to garage sale day (April 29) and the moving company coming in on May 10. It is all coming on so quick.


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