Tuesday, April 04, 2006

God doing what He does best

This past week as I was sharing with some friends about our upcoming move from Colorado to Mexico and leading the summer mission project in Long Beach, CA, I guess my anxiety and stress was apparent. When I think about what God has called us to do, none of it makes any financial, family or logical sense in human eyes. We are in the midst of renting our house, selling some stuff, finding a home and car in Mexico and before we leave the States, lead a new mission project to Long Beach, CA.

There are so many unknowns. Now I know why I am anxious. It all seems so impossible. We have to trust God to provide for all our needs and believe He will provide us wisdom in Long Beach and Mexico City.

At that point my friend, Tom, mentioned to me that I just needed to listen to the Lord. Not do, just listen. Then two nights later another friend, Todd, stated I shouldn’t worry about things that God could only do. The Holy Spirit spoke right through them to me.

This is where we’re at. We are trusting God to do what He can only do. God called us supernaturally to lead in Long Beach and He called us to move to Mexico City. He is giving us a vision and mission to provide every person a network that will help them grow closer to Jesus. We must believe everyday that God will provide in His timing all we need as we listen and wait.
Thank you for your loyal, heart felt encouragement and generous giving. We want you to know you’re making a difference in the lives of so many!!
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Paul said...

don't feel alone....we're praying for you guys

Paul said...

don't feel alone....we're praying for you guys