Sunday, April 23, 2006

One Thing

A couple of days ago I realized I had too many books I was taking down to Mexico City. At a $1 / lb I needed to once more go through them. So I just started reading some. After I made it 50 pages on two books and tossed them aside I came across One Thing by Dwayne Roberts. It has grabbed my heart and challenged me on the many things I am pursuing. From Ps 27:4 and chapter 2:

"One thing I ask of the Lord,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple. "

The whole book is about drawing us back to our one thing, God.

"The real question for each one of us is: has the grand illusion of this culture stolen my gaze? I do not want all these things that surround me to hold such a place in my life that they may actually take away from my opportunity one day to stand and say, "Jesus, I said 'no' to everything--everything that god in the way of you. I said 'no' to everything holding me back from a heart that would be moved at the very mention of Your name." As Paul reminded us, You are not supposed to live according to any value that would come in contradiction to the value of pursuing Him." p. 65

I can encourage this read.
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