Saturday, September 24, 2005

Miracle Needed in California this year

This past week Christine and I were given the green light to attempt to start a summer mission project with CCC in Southern California. About 7 years ago God put it on my heart to start a beach mission project to Huntington Beach. With some effort and, to be honest, too little prayer that dream didn't get off the ground. My hope and prayer is that now, a few years later, a greater dependence on God and with new vision we will be able to start up a project to Seal/Sunset Beach California.

Why here? This area was home for me for about 23 years. This is the place that some of my childhood experiences were made. These are the places I first learned to body surf and boogie board. These are the places that I remember having late night bon fires. When I think about California I think about these places, the beach.

Now the miracle needed in the next couple of weeks is the job of securing housing for our summer project. 30 students and about 10 staff need housing in Southern California, on the beach, and oh yeah, did I mention economical housing. Come on, we are Christian missionaries.

I have been wrestling with the Lord these past few weeks, pleading with Him, begging Him that something will surface. Oct 3-6 I'm heading to California to see what God will surface. In my flesh and Steve centric world I'm fearful, skeptical and scared this won't work. Then in those moments of glory, I trust God and believe He will do something amazing.

That's where I am this morning. A miracle is needed and a miracle will happen. Housing: near the beach, economical, perfect and simple.

Why do a mission project? Something happens when you get college students together, on the beach with a purpose of meeting God and making Him known. Life change, a clearer picture of God, a deeper intimacy with Him and a vision for How God will use them in community in the Kingdom. That's our desire. Show these college students God's love and heart for the not-yet-Christians. We are praying that we'll be able to surface new spiritual movements at Long Beach State and partner with the church planting/house church movement in Long Beach. We desire to make a lasting impact in the community, not just with the message of the Gospel but also with the hands and feet of the body of believers. We're trusting that we can serve the community and show them the love of Christ. We want to show students what it means and is like to be Jesus to the world.

Yep, that's a huge dream. Yeah, we're trusting God within the next month that most of the early stages of this dream to be solidified. Oh yeah, then we're trusting God for the perfect team of staff and students. But I have to believe that the God I love and worship is all about Miracles.

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