Sunday, September 04, 2005

A must read - Liquid Church

I just finished the book Liquid Church by Pete Ward. It is a challenging and insightful book on worship, mission, and community of the church. He encourages us to look at the church as being liquid, not solid. "Liquid Church is not a program or mission project; it is a community rooted in the fellowship of the Holy Trinity. The intimate dance of God can be experienced only by those who accept the invitation" (p.98).

One of the most encouraging and insightful chapters to me is Chapter 9: Regulating the flow, Part Two: The Spirit and Grace. I love his insights from Moltman, Kuyper and Edwards. This chapter is worth the $9.

Another aspect of the book is as we try to engage people who don't know God often we just try to tell them that they need God. You need church, God, salvation, the Bible, etc. On the other hand, as we begin to understand what people are looking for, experiencing and searching for we may change our approach and just attempt to raise their awareness of their desire of God. It is a bit messier and not as clean and controlled but as people learn their desires are for God we must trust that this new kind of church is the answer. The liquid church is a bit ambiguous and chaotic. But it is also engaged into the culture, immersed in it, loving it, changing it, interacting with it, and showing the love of God to it.

Enjoy the read.

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