Tuesday, September 27, 2005

They Did Come Up

From my previous post I shared my struggle with my family staying down the mountain and not staying with me up at our conference. After a Saturday morning of highly successful soccer games by both boys (Jonathan scored 1 goal and Benjamin scored 2), my family joined me up in Keystone. It was a great treat to have the afternoon walking around with them, playing, paddle boats and just laughing. It was refreshing to my soul (it needed some refreshment after the buffs got a beating from Miami.)

Isa experienced her first swing set ride. See attached.

It was a great weekend. My family was there for a short time and our students connected with the Lord and with each other.

I was most encouraged by our last night with students. I led a discussion about where we are as a ministry, what our leadership looked liked and how students can lead and own the movement. We opened up the floor for discussion about students leading students and it was awesome. They responded, rallied together and are taking the lead this coming week. Students are going to be meeting sometime this week to deal with the question, "How can we as Fuel better reach the campus with God's love?" I'm seeing the students grab it and get it. It's not just about fellowship but it is fellowship with God and others to be a light to the world.

We're back home, resting, playing, watching some football and hoping my fantasy teams do bit better. We'll I'm not sure the rest of the family cares about my teams.

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