I want to write and share our beta website that is partially up and running for Global Service Associates. It will come into fruition in the months to come.
You can click around to see some of the initiatives that the staff members are taking part of.
Global Service Associates
Categories: GSA
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Global Service Associates
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: GSA
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Only God Can Do This....
I have been thinking and reflecting a bunch on the power of God, His Grace, His desire to bless us and move in our lives. Last week in the midst of my cancer scare I had lunch with one of the most non-religious spiritual Jesus loving people I know, Tom, my dentist. We went out to lunch last week after he put my good looking gold crown on.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Church, Faith, God, Leadership, Spirituality
Saturday, December 08, 2007
The past couple of days have been emotional whirlwinds for us since hearing my biopsy was melanoma.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Malignant Melanoma
Last night my Dr. called Christine and told her that my biopsy from a mole this previous week came back positive for malignant melanoma. As you can imagine I have been in shock all day long. The pathology reported at first said that the surrounding tissue was clear and that the cancer hasn't entered the dermis tissue. That is good. My biopsy was sent today to the leading skin cancer Dr. who happens to be in Denver. The next stage is to follow his advice. If the cancer cells have entered deeper tissue then we'll cut out more skin. At that point we'll go through CT scans, bone scans, etc. The best case is that it was localized and we caught it early.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Saturday, November 24, 2007
People Being the Gospel
I think a ton about people being the Gospel to others; loving, sharing, sacrificing, forgiving, showing mercy and bringing life. Not that I have figured it completely out in my own life but isn't that why I, you, we need the Gospel daily?
I love the Liberty Mutual commercials that have been blessing the TV airways.
When you watch these, ask yourself, what would it take for a follower of Jesus movement to look and act like this? Maybe we need to ask the question, what would it look like if followers of Jesus to even act like this, not what would it take? This might give us a vision for the simplicity and impact Jesus could make on a movement. Simple truths and experiences of Jesus passed onto others. Could it be the greatest movements throughout history didn't require high programs, tons of strategic plans, and high paid full time workers.
Enjoy and no be the Gospel to those around you.
Categories: Movements, Gospel, Culture, Media
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Cemetery Experience Keeps Giving
There was about 6-7 years in a row I would take college freshmen at CU to the great, old cemetery on the hill in Boulder. I would have them wander around in the dark, no flash lights looking at tombstones, the old cool ones, for someone who died when they were 18-20. Then we would speculate about their lives, relationships, dreams and experiences. Then we would open up the Word and see what God's perspective was on life, the shortness of life and what we could be living for that had an impact on eternity.
Today I received an email from Ox, Bryan Gullette, a great young warrior who is loving Jesus, loving others in Romania along with his wife, Alina. They are hereos of the faith after working for a few years, packed up and left for Eastern Europe to love others like Jesus does.
Here is his email. It was an encouragement to me today.
Hi Steve,
I hope all is well. I thought that you might be
interested to hear about how your influence has reached to Romania.
Tonight I led a small group of abandoned Romanian teenage boys to a cemetery to
talk about making life count, like we did for Bible study one night. “It
was classic” and I hope it’ll “change their lives, bro!” * Ah the
memories. Thanks for being an important part of my life, Steve.
As great as the legacy is that you left with Crusade, I pray that
it can’t hold a candle to what the Lord is prepared to do in this next area of
ministry. I am sure that it will look totally different, but I expect
amazing things to come of it. I hope the transition is going well.
If you just remember all the things you taught us, you should be
I also pray that all is well on the home front with your… is
it 18 kids now? Growing the kingdom one child at a time! Awesome! I
am excited about your family and your kids and I pray that they bring you much
joy and fulfillment. I ask God also for His special blessing on your marriage,
that it would be the firm foundation of love overflowing to the children and the
church and the world. Yeah, I know, it sounds like a lot of love, but we
know it is just a drop of what the Lord offers to us.
Take care,
Steve, say “hi” to everyone for Alina and I.
Categories: God, Community
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Starting a House Church
For a couple of years in ministry I had been searching for the 'golden goose egg' in ministry that will solve all our problems. I would think, "If we just have this new technique, strategy, formula then we'll be an explosive, life changing ministry." What I realized about 2 years ago is there isn't a golden goose egg of ministry, other than what God desires to do through Christians; hearing and following the will of God. If you do take a look at New Testament Movements they were all pretty simple. Run by normal, unschooled men and women. They were bold, courageous, believed in a real Jesus, God and Holy Spirit that spoke, answered prayers and moved mountains. They didn't have church growth seminars or massive discipleship programs. They loved people and talked about the love of Jesus that changed lives. They brought Jesus to the streets and encouraged people to bring Jesus farther into their homes, business and yes, even bars.
After reading this book I was encouraged and reminded again how simple doing church is. We have made it pretty complicated. Normally today, in order to get more of Jesus, we need seminary trained teachers, buildings organized in way that maximizes the church experience, big amps and big bands, videos, youth and child-care centers and massive parking lots; all this to allow us to worship God who is a personal, communal, intimate God that is known through the Holy Spirit, His Word, and fellowship of 2 or more believers.
This is what we want to be about. Making Jesus known in homes, streets, workplaces, parks and bars. As Neil Cole says, "lowering the bar on church and raising the bar on discipleship." Let's teach people to follow Jesus and then they'll see how simple church is. Yes, I still believe church is a tool that God is using to make himself known to the world. Yes, church is Biblical. My thought is that the way we have known church the last 20, 200, and 2000 years is changing, morphing and adapting to meet those that want to know an unchanging, unmorphing powerful, intimate God. There are many forms of church and church is ecclesia, meaning "called out ones." Isn't church just the gathering of 2 or more believers, regardless of the structure, setting and education level of those leading?
I appreciate the vision, passion and heart of Kreider and McClung. They have been part of some pretty radical churches, big and small, traditional and non-traditional, throughout the years. They encourage the 'chosen people, royal priesthood, holy nation a people belonging to God' to just go out and be church, not just attend one. Yes, they have an apologetic, how to's and questions you may have as to why simple/home church is uniquely platformed to reach this new generation of not-yet-Christians. But why is that all that bad? New forms, new wine skins to go out and love a lost and hurting world with the message of Jesus. I think the dream of many today is that we'll look across this planet and see many types of churches, some with huge steeples, others small and with a run down look and others you can't visibly see because they're hanging out gathering in homes and stores.
Here are some quotes:
- Could it be that God wants to change everything about how we view the church? He has created the church to be a dynamic, growing, changing movement, not a static doctrine. The Spirit of God calls each generation to re-imagine church for its own context and culture. The Holy Spirit invites every generation into the struggle to discover answers and approaches for themselves about church--answers that bring them into fresh partnership whith God and fresh contact with their culture. p. 17
- We believe that simple, small, non-building oriented, non-professional led, family based communities are some of the keys for re-evangelizing our nation. p. 30
- House church networks reproduce churches rapidly because the micro church model lends itself to more authentic relational connections, deeper and more natural discipleship accountability, quick reproduction of leaders and every member involvment. p. 33
- Rich Joyner says, "Pastors sometimes don't like having young stallions in their church. They seem to cause too many problems. But only young stallions can reproduce. Resist the temptation to 'fix' them so they cannot reproduce." p. 83
- The goal of leadership is to facilitate, release and encourage. p. 95
Go start and be the church!
Categories: God, Movements, Leadership, Books, SimpleChurch
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Books, God, Leadership, Movements, SimpleChurch
Business and Mission
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Fall Photos are amazing
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Thursday, November 08, 2007
A New Beginning
We believe God is stirring a new movement of His Spirit that will provide a church in every community that transforms people, relationships and neighborhoods with the love and grace of God.
Wow! It has almost been one year since we came home from Mexico City. We are so grateful to God, our leadership and you for giving us this past year to rest, restore, recover, wait on the Lord and now hear from God as He is calling us forward, a new beginning.
After much prayer, counseling, meeting and processing with our leaders, pastors and good friends we have decided to transition off Campus Crusade for Christ staff and join full-time with another ministry called Global Service Associates (GSA). GSA’s purpose is to help launch us as leaders, care for us as followers of Jesus and encourage us to fulfill our mission and calling.
For 18 years (including our student years in college) we have seen God move, grow and challenge us and have enjoyed serving with Campus Crusade for Christ.
In this period of waiting and listening which has been so refreshing and also difficult we sense God leading us to help the local church impact our culture.
Imagine walking down your street and finding a church that felt more like an old friend than an old building. It is alive. It is real. The life of Jesus is bursting out beyond the church doors and into your community. The authenticity and love draws people to want to know this Jesus who changes lives.
A Christ-centered community that touches personally every home in Colorado, the U.S. and around the world.
We are burdened to follow God’s call on our hearts. We want to reach out to those hurting. Encourage those who have lost hope. Inspire Christians to follow Jesus and to be His hands and feet to our neighborhoods. Pray with us that God’s Spirit will move powerfully.
Categories: SimpleChurch, Family, Newsletters, Prayer, GSA, God
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Family, God, GSA, Newsletters, Prayer, SimpleChurch
What does all this look like?
We are transitioning off staff with Campus Crusade for Christ to GSA at the end of the month. You might have questions about our financial support, how you can stop your auto-payments (if applicable) and where to send your new financial support in December. Within two weeks you’ll be receiving a detailed letter explaining our monthly and end of year financial needs and the process on how to continue to partner with us. We will still be fully funded and paid for through monthly individual financial support. Therefore we still need your partnership of prayer, financial support and encouragement as we continue on in full-time ministry.
GSA is a non-profit religious order with a 501-3c status and will be processing all our administration, support, and your tax-deductions.
We plan on calling you if you are a financial partner after Thanksgiving to share in more depth about our new ministry. We look forward to connecting with you.
We cherish your prayers in this time of transition. Our hearts are full of gratitude for your partnership. Thank you for continuing to labor with us in giving every person an opportunity to be part of a life breathing Christ-centered community.
Categories: Prayer, Newsletters, Family, Ministry, God, GSA
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Please Pray
Please Pray:
- That God will be our guide in each step in the weeks to come. That we will trust Him and not our own efforts.
- That God will protect us from the evil one that will be on the attack in our transition.
- For our kids, time as a family and marital relationship.
- That we will be sensitive to God’s work in our lives.
- For our home church; its authenticity, love and mission to reach out to the lost.
Categories: God, Family, Prayer, Newsletters
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Family, God, Newsletters, Prayer
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Putting out a Fleece
Wanted to ask you to pray for something. We're putting out a fleece before the Lord in regards to where we are living. We have so enjoyed Northern Colorado, Greeley and more specifically our neighborhood: The Arbors. Recently our good friends and neighbors have asked us to move to Denver to start some community and see what God has in store for ministry, church, etc. We're not sure what God has for us but we know we will miss their community and friendship as they have lived 3 houses away.
We are drawn to them, what God is doing in Denver and who knows; we stopped trying to control and figure out what we are doing and where we are living. This past year we have thrown our plans out for a plan of following God each step, day by day. This has been a hard lesson to learn.
So we're putting our home: 4360 W. 23rd Street Drive, Greeley, CO 80634 on the market. If you know of anyone who might be interested, toss them our way.
So we'll see what God has for us.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Call of the Entrepreneur
My new friend, Jay Gary, posted this video clip on his site. I watched the trailer and it seems very interesting. I'm challenged by those who shape our culture, economics, politics and faith. I wonder who are the next that will shape and the way people experience Jesus.
Check out the trailer.
Categories: Culture, Leadership
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Culture, Leadership
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Who and What is Going to Reach the Next Generation?
This past Monday night I had dinner with some old and new friends, Rich Lotterhos, Don Wilcox, Shane Deike and Jay Gary. We had some great conversations about where we are at in church, mission and reaching the coming generations and most importantly where we are going to be; what is God going to create to reach the coming generations who will be mostly non-church going and ethnic.
I came across this video from a friend's site, Ethan Rietema. It got me thinking of the generations to come. Who is going to reach them? And with what new form is God going to touch their hearts? It seems to me they have already said 'no' to Jesus and the church. But I think their hearts are screaming for Jesus and a real, authentic, grace and loved filled community.
Check it out and put some thought and prayer on what you think God is going to do.
Categories: Kingdom, Movements, Culture
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
A Great Response!
I came across this post about churches that are helping and responding to the wildfires. These responses have nothing to do with my post yesterday but I wanted to share the great opportunities for those of us who live far away from these fires.
Support these churches affected by the Wildfires
Categories: Kingdom, Church, Community, Prayer
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Are we racing to help
I caught this photo on Foxnews.com today and I have been thinking about the fires in So Cal. Yes, I have family living down there but they're in the middle of the concrete jungle, therefore, Safe.
The question that has been hitting me in regards to the church, ministries and the Christian body is "How fast and well are we racing to stop and help the affected by the inferno?" This cuts to the core of who I am, believe and do. In light of the Katrina mess, Thailand devastation and now this horrible disaster we have to think about how we are responding.
It doesn't matter if you're all about traditional church, big building, powerful programs or simple church, eating together, worshiping in your home and have no costs. It doesn't matter if the disaster hits poor countries, ethnic minorities in our south or rich countryside homeowners. It doesn't matter if you're a conservative or republican and are angry or happy in the way our government has and is responding. In stead of passing blame, worrying about who is going to teach our next Bible study, does our youth group room need a Nintendo WI or Xbox 360 to match their 5 flat panel TVs, or should our outreach flyers be in yellow or blue paper we should be spending our time, energy, money, time and talents as the body of Christ to plan, prepare and respond to the current tragedy or the one that will hit your community.
This hits me right to the deep of my heart and really tests what I believe about Jesus. If He really did come to give life, love and forgiveness to a lost and hurting world then how is that world experiencing Jesus through the Christians who hold His message tightly. We share it loudly on our streets and through our evangelistic booklets and preach it boldly in great 3 point sermons that challenge our allegiance to God yet I wonder if we're loving those who really need love. Can I believe and share the love of Christ in a language and with hands and feet that the world can hear and respond? Or is my message all about joining the holy club that thinks its theology is correct?
One of the areas I believe God is calling me to put forth my leadership efforts is to help the church (large and small), para church, and the informal body of Christ to be equipped, prepared and ready to help a world that really needs help; to help them in ways that really meet their physical needs. My guess, assumption and prayer is that if the world were to see the Church as the first ones on the ground (before the Red Cross), providing food, shelters, opening their homes and buildings, staying until the final moment, setting aside tons of cash to give freely all without the strings attached of "come to our worship service," WE MIGHT JUST SEE A RESPONSE TO JESUS LIKE NEVER BEFORE.
I really do believe that if we started raising money, setting aside building projects, calling our congregations and groups to action, and worry about sharing the Love of Christ with our hands and feet as well as our mouths the rest of the world, those who have already 'kissed us off' will respond with "who are these people and what do they believe?"
One of the issues our leadership team in Mexico City, Mexico talked about often was if we are launching hundreds of spiritual movements led by students yet they are not ready to respond to the physical needs of a hurting world, then are we relelvant? If we're planting hundreds of churches, big and small, yet not meeting the physical needs of those around us than are we really all that impacting? I guess Jesus modeled and answered this in feeding the 5,000 and on His Sermon on the Mount.
Lets start the race with fellow Christians to stop the inferno that is affecting people who need to be loved and cared for. Talk to you friends, congregations, small groups, and families about what you could do and then do it.
The American Red Cross Link to the Wildfire if you need it.
Categories: Community, Kingdom, Culture, Prayer, God, Movements, Church
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Practical Atheism
One thing I have asked of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life; to behold the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple. Ps 27:4
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: God, Ministry, Spirituality
Monday, October 15, 2007
Take a Look at this!
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Following the Person of Christ
“Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me.”
Isaiah 30:15 (Message)
“God does not demand that I be successful. God demands that I be
faithful. When facing God, results are not important. Faithfulness
is what is important.” Mother Theresa

Categories: God, Newsletters, family, spirituality, Newsletters, Movements, Kingdom
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Family, God, Kingdom, Movements, Newsletters, Spirituality
Needs all around us
Steve has been coaching the boys’ soccer and football teams and has been spending time at our local rec center getting to know the people of Greeley. They are no different from anyone else. They too have marriage problems. They also struggle in finding meaning in life. They too are busy hustling kids to and from school and practice.
Yet what we observed is that there are few ministries that are serving outside the walls of the Church. Boulder and Denver are such popular places to live that many ministries call these places home. Our hearts are broken for the families, youth and neighborhoods that are not targeted specifically to hear the message of Jesus.
We feel God is calling us to start some fresh ways of expressing the grace, mercy and love of God to our community. As we walk forward in this we ask that you pray for us, support us and challenge us to follow Christ more intimately. Join with us in praying that we can be a loving presence in Greeley.

Categories: God, Prayer, Newsletters, Family, Movements, Ministry, YouthSports, Community, Kingdom
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Community, Family, God, Kingdom, Ministry, Movements, Newsletters, Youth Sports
Please Pray
Please Pray:
· That we will wholeheartedly seek out the person of Jesus.
· That we will slow down to rest and allow God to speak to us.
· That we will model, teach and encourage our kids in following Jesus.
· That as God grows us we will be sensitive to loving and caring for those around us.
· That we will seek God for every detail, step and plan for our future.
· That God will protect us from the evil one who wishes to destroy our lives and relationships.
Categories: Newsletters, God, Prayer, Family
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Faith, God, Newsletters, Prayer
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My Office Cubicle
I know many people may relate to this wonderful song/video. I now can relate with my Boulder office job.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Samson and the Pirate Monks

Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Books, God, Masculinity, Movements, Spirituality
Prayer for the Van Diest
Please Pray:
· Ultimately that God will lead us in our decisions & steps to a new future of ministry
· That as we serve God He would be our first love
· That we daily depend on God for the spiritual battle before us
· That God protects our family and keeps us healthy
· That God will make our hearts sensitive to the work of His Spirit around us
· That we will walk by faith, humbly serving others
· That as we move ahead we would do the internal work of rest & listening to God
Categories: Prayer, Family, God
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Van Diest Happenings
We’re still committed to the work of bringing Spiritual Movements everywhere yet we are confident God is calling us to bring them to everyone, not just college students. We’re hearing the call of God on our hearts and minds to venture out and bring the Gospel to our community. Many of you have been asking, what is next? Where will you serve? The answers to these questions and more are the being revealed to us every day and we’re leaning on God to make those things very clear. You can keep us in your prayers so that we will not move unless God calls, nudges and moves mightily.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Family, God, Newsletters
Spiritual Movements Everywhere
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Family, God, Movements, Newsletters
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The Inner Work of God

and today from Day 3:There is a contemplative in all of us, almost strangled but still alive,
who craves quiet enjoyment of the Now, and longs to touch the seamless garment of silence which makes whole. Alan P. Tory
CARMELITE VOW: Let each stay in or near their own cell
meditating, day and night on the law of the Lord, and vigilant in prayer, unless
otherwise employed by the Holy Spirit.
The Cry to God as 'Father' in the New Testament is not a calm acknowledgement of a universal truth about God's abstract fatherhood. It is the Child's cry out of a nightmare.
It is the cry of outrage, fear, shrinking away, when faced with the horror of the 'world' - yet not simply or exclusively protest, but trust as well.
'Abba Father' all things are possible
to Thee ... Rowan Williams
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: God, Prayer, Spirituality
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Rattles and Horsetooth Falls
Today was a super fun day with the kids. We woke up this morning we woke up and made cinnamon rolls the kids love and then spent some time reading some prayers, talking, reading and sharing. It is exactly what our family needed; together time, centering time on Christ and
then off to go hiking near Fort Collins. At times I think we're crazy for even attempting to go hiking with 4 kids yet the older boys do great. Isa walks maybe a total of 40 yards of the total 3 miles. She has me worked and rides on my shoulders singing the whole way.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Thursday, September 20, 2007
New Address for Blog
Just wanted to let you know that I have a new address for my blog. Not much of a change but it should be easier to remember.
I am now at www.SteveVanDiest.com
Our Photo web site has also been changed to: www.VanDiestClan.com
The old blogger addresses will still work too. Enjoy
Categories: Blog
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Blog
Saturday, September 15, 2007
What to do in Simple Church?
I know from experience as I have tried to share God's vision for simple church so many questions about details have surfaced? What to do with kids? Who is going to lead worship or teach? I know that I haven't really experienced much of the answers or even have them in my brain, but I do know why I believe God is calling Christine and I to start a simple church; to reach those people who are yet to know Christ and His community. That is so much of our desire and prayers lately yet we're waiting for the Lord's word of 'yes, go now."
Today I came across a simple 20-25 minute video that answers much of the heart and details behind simple church. This may help you too in your journey of seeing how God is calling you to 'do' and 'be' the church.
Video: When you come together.
There is a great description in words at What do we mean by simple Church?
Categories: Church, SimpleChurch, ChurchPlanting, God
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Church, Church Planting, God, SimpleChurch
Friday, September 14, 2007
This Beautiful Mess
This past summer a good friend of mine, Eric Heistand, recommended I read Rick McKinley's, of Imago Dei, book: This Beautiful Mess: Practicing the Presence of the Kingdom of God. I finally got my library to buy it and I read it this past month. At first my mind was somewhere else but over time I really appreciated his approach, story telling and wisdom on the Kingdom work of God.
I believe a new form of Kingdom work is birthing in the U.S. and it isn't just a new strategy to reach out to people. I really do believe it will require a new way of thinking and living entirely. It is not just church in a new skin. It is a melding of a social gospel and a conservative gospel. It is the Kingdom as Jesus taught and lived the Kingdom.
One thing I caught from Rick's stories and examples is that he is a pastor/leader that really knows his vision and mission but gives away freely the strategies and methods for how people are going to do Kingdom work. If were were to bring an idea that God gave you, he wouldn't try to morph that idea or persuade you to fit it into a current structure. I picture him looking at you and blowing a strong Spirit filled wind under your wings and telling you to go, trust God, take a step of faith and we'll, the church, will encourage you along the way. It doesn't seem to be about Rick's church growth or kingdom but really about transforming his city, Portland.
Here are a few things that stuck out in my mind and heart while reading it.
- In our kingdom, we begin to believe we can fix all our messes. In Jesus' Kingdom, He alone can start with our messes and accomplish something we never could have imagined. And He does. p. 21
- To be human is to live with loose ends, with people and in a world of loose ends, feeling you've been made for perfection but knowing you can't get there on your own. Knowing that you've been placed here to bring a taste of something beautiful and blessed. p. 23
- He has issues with our interpretation Gospel of the Kingdom: 1. We reduce the Gospel of the Kingdom (Its just the church). 2. We spiritualize the Gospel of the Kingdom (Its completely realized now). 3. We postpone the Gospel of the Kingdom (It will only be realized in Heaven). p. 38
- The Kingdom is a lot less like building the business of Christianity and a lot more like slipping into the matrix of Jesus. p. 63
- The Kingdom is, we are witnesses. p. 65
- Signposts of the Kingdom radiate the most beauty when they're planted in the middle of the most mess. p. 92
- The larger challenge we face today is that so many Evangelicals aren't really participating in creation at all. They're putting in their time as aliens in the natural world while they wait for the real show to begin: the Lord's return, Judgement, eternity. p. 120
I do believe as God reveals a new way of living, bringing about His glory, worshipping His fame, extending His love we must take a look at, ponder and change what it means to do the Kingdom work of Heaven. Then and only then can we say "This Beautiful Mess."
Categories: Books, Kingdom, Church, God
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Monday, September 10, 2007
A bit of Heaven
This is a bit of what we want to see God do through us. We want to have the time, space and heart to listen, relate and be with people who live in Greeley. We keep coming back to the prayer to God, "Can we do this full time and trust God to birth missional, apostolic Christ-centered communities all over Weld County?" "Can we see God's Kingdom come here in our own neighborhood."
It was an encouraging afternoon and a bit of the vision God is giving us.
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Thought about Grace a bunch
These past 9 months Christine and I have thought a ton about God's grace. We are learning maybe for the first time that following Christ, living for Him, and leading in ministry isn't about our efforts and hard work. Life is truely about God pursuing us with His love and mercy. We are so thankful for that and it has breathed a fresh new perspective and spirit in us to follow Jesus wherever He calls.
This video below reminds me that God's grace is needed much more than we, the beholder, can imagine.
Categories: God
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: God
Life Isn't Fair
Two weeks ago on my day off, my good friend Ethan, who loves Disc Golf, called me and my neighbor, Billy, to go play disc with him for about an hour. I'm horrible and it isn't my favorite pastime. But hanging with Ethan and Billy is something I didn't want to pass up on.
After about an hour Reza a local reporter and photographer walked up and asked us if she could take some shots. Well two days later this crazy photo of me, holding a cigar, stuck in the trees, shows up. Then if you visit the Greeley Tribune website there is this shot and a shot of Billy. The reason life isn't fair is there were no props giving to Ethan, the disc loving thrower.
Oh well. My 15 minutes of fame.
Categories: Friends, Sports
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Opening Game Day Weekend - Fun - No Wins
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Family, Youth Sports
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
We made it by God's grace
Categories: Marriage, Family
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
New Photos coming your way
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Monday, September 03, 2007
Broncos - Here He Comes
Posted by
Steve Van Diest
Labels: Family
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Isolation: A Place of Transformation in the Life of a Leader
A few weeks ago I was reading Steve Addison's blog and I have always respected his insights about the heart, issues and practices of Church planters and apostolic leaders. He wrote a short post about feeling what to do and think when you feel like the wheels have fallen off your ministry bus. This is where I have been a lot this past 8 months; at times no wheels, no gas, no engine other times 4 flats. He mentioned in passing a gal, Shelley Trebesch, that wrote an article/short book called Isolation: A Place of Transformation in the Life of a Leader. Something about the title and probably where I was feeling at the moment struck me deep to my core. I have felt like I have been in isolation much this past year. I have felt like a failure. I wrestled with God about if He'll ever use us again. I have been pissed about where I have been in the process and feeling like a little 2 year old whining about going to the bathroom (I have a personal experience with my own little 2 year old princess Isa - that's another story).
So I quickly jumped on my local library web site and checked to see if they had this short 80 page book. Nope! But that didn't stop me from asking them to buy it. Well two weeks later, I got one of my favorite calls. "Your book is in." They didn't buy it but they did borrow it from Fuller Seminary. Either way, it saved me $10.
Shelley quickly gave me some tracks to run on as I evaluated my last 8 months and where am I now and where I'm going. You'll observe in the first few pages that this is really a paper or article for some class but that doesn't shrink its input and value into my life. She walks you through about 7 case studies throughout history, biblical and non, of people who have been in isolation. You enter isolation either via a voluntary choice or in our case, involuntary. "Isolation is the setting aside a leader from normal ministry involvement in its natural context usually for an extended time in order to experience God in a new and deeper way." p. 10
"God can use a season of isolation to break a leader's arrogance and self confidence. Such breaking process can also restore a leader to become what God really created the leader to be." p.15
She talks about a 4 stage process of Isolation that I can almost give exact dates of entering, leaving and in some cases, I'm still in.
1. Stripping: of money, family, health, primarily of ministry identity. Ouch! This is what God had to do in me. Get rid of my self worship, worship of ministry, fame, impact, power, doing great things for God. I questioned am I worth anything? Is God enough? What in the world am I doing?
2. Wrestling with God: My codependency was discovered here. What I was getting my security and love from. It felt like God wasn't around. I think I even went into a period of depression. Not fun for me but I look back and see this is a tremendous value in my life. To be honest, there are still times of wrestling that are going on right now. "Why are you downcast, O my soul?" Psalm 42:5
3. Increased Intimacy: I often don't get here but not working for 8 months was I believe a gift God and CCC gave me. This is a big part in getting here. All I'm left with is God. I can't produce, can't perform for others. All I have is His grace. Desire for ministry success and being cutting edge dies and desire for the presence of Jesus is birthed.
4. Release to look toward the future: I think I may be here mixed with a couple of of these other stages. My desire is not to rush out into the future but wait for God to call us out. This should become a quiet peace when looking forward not an escaping the pain of isolation.
She also talks about 3 fruits of transformation. (I want these!) p. 49-54
1. Inward Transformation
2. Spiritual Transformation
3. Ministerial Transformation
She also talks about what development goes on in Isolation. She walks through Ps 42 (one of my new favorites) as she explains this development.
1. Be Honest.
2. Remember.
3. Have Hope.
4. Get a Mentor.
5. Listen to the Voice of God.
6. Embrace Isolation. (either if you're in it or because it will come.)
So grab it somewhere, read it and take the time to process what God may be doing in your isolation experience. If you're not in one, read it so when it does come, you'll have some sort of grid to grow.
Categories: Books, God
Posted by
Steve Van Diest